
2D Shapes: Schedulin Sunday

Happy Schedulin’ Sunday! This week we’re continuing our Community Helpers Research Project, we’re working on Word Family Bootcamp to practice word families and we’re kicking off Shapes Bootcamp to learn about 2D shapes!

Word Families And 2D Shapes Lesson Plans

As always, you can download our weekly lesson plans here:

2D shapes

Community Helpers Research Project

This week we are wrapping up our Communty Helpers Research Project! This is always a favorite for the kids becuase they can make such strong connections to the community helpers.  We focus on 1 community helper a day with a read aloud, graphic organzier, labeling and writing.  We also throw in some directed drawings!   And for our culminating task, the students choose a community helper they want to be and write about why they want to be that helper!  

This week we’re learning about construction workers, teachers, mail carriers, firefighters and trash collectors.

Word Families BOOTCAMP

This week we are continuing Word Family Bootcamp! After 26 days of ABC BOOTCAMP, we now use the sounds and letters we mastered and apply them to spelling, reading and writing CVC words! We use word families as a scaffold for reading CVC words because the rhyming helps support our students.

For word families using Word Family Bootcamp, we do a 2 day routine. Day 1 is a circle chart. Day 2 is word building, blending and writing.

word families

To provide students extra support and practice, we use our differentiated word family decodable readers. The readers are included in Word Family Bootcamp.

For more on word families and Word Family Bootcamp, check out this post!

word families

Read It UP! Room On The Broom

This week our Read It Up story is Room On The Broom! We are focusing on sequencing, character traits and rhyming words!

For more on our Read It Up! comprehension resources, check out this post:

Poem And Sight Word Reader: Community Helpers

The week our shared reading sight word reader and poem are about bats and spiders!

Math: 2D Shapes And Shapes Bootcamp

This week in math we are learning about 2D shapes! We will do a shape sort, a shape hunt, and make word webs for the shapes! And we get to make shape monsters which we use to create a graphic organizer.

We start and end Shapes Bootcamp with a 2D shapes sort. This serves as a pre and post assessment! We also assess students on shape identification with ESGI.

After our pre-assessment, we make Shape Monsters! The students work in pairs to create their shapes monsters. After we create our shape monsters we use them to create our shapes anchor chart!

2D shapes

Grab your FREE Shapes Monster activity here:

2D shapes

For each 2D shape, we also create a word web describing the shape. We do 1 word web each day. For each shape, we include the number of sides, straight lines or curved lines, 2D or 3D, and give real life examples of each shape.

Finally, we end the week with a shape hunt! This is always a favorite activity. Students go through magazines and find examples of shapes. They identify the shapes to me and glue them to our giant shape posters!

For more on our shape hunt, check out this post:

Mad Science: Exploding Ghosts

This week our Mad Science experiment is exploding ghosts! To make our ghosts we use vinegar, baking soda and white balloons!

This hands on science experiment is included in our Mad Scientist Holiday Edition!

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