Why it works

A comprehenisive, proven approach maximizes the effectiveness of the curriculum

The TKS Bootcamp curriculum gives students a consistent instructional process that provides scaffolding and allows them to feel confident in their work and learning. Students can focus on the content being taught, and teachers can focus on students… not lesson planning.

Data & Research

TKS Bootcamp is based on research called The Law Of 10-20 For Memory Sets discovered by Hal Pashler in 2006. This research says that the optimal review time for a skill is 10-20% of the time you want students to remember that skill.  We want students to remember letters and sounds for the school year.  An average school year is 180 days.  10-20 percent of 180 is 18-37 days.  26 days falls in the middle of that range.

180 days X 10-20% = 18-27 days
(A school year averages 180 days)

Therefore, the TKS Bootcamp curriculum is the optimal time to learn letters and sounds. This research carries throughout the entire TKS Bootcamp curriculum.

Each lesson in the TKS Bootcamp curriculum is explicit and systematic with students providing the words, numbers and equations through higher order thinking activities. Students have ample opportunity for independent practice and assessment.

TKS Bootcamp can be used as a core phonics and math curriculum for Tier 1 instruction, as well as MTSS or RTI program and Tier 2 instruction.


In a blind study of over 200 classrooms, with an average of 19 students per classroom, conducted at the conclusion of of the 2016-2017 school year, the results were achieved in ONLY 26 days!

The TKS Bootcamp curriculum provides your students with a consistent instructional process that provides scaffolding and allows them to feel confident in their work and learning. This consistency allows students to focus on the content being taught. This consistency also eases the burden of lesson planning for teachers.

Available in 5 Themes

All five themes contain the same materials, just in different clipart. Click the images below to visit the creations in the TKS Store. (they are all also available in our TPT store)

Army Theme
Army Theme

Monster Theme
Monster Theme

Superhero Theme

Safari Theme
Safari Theme

No Theme
No Theme

The single best predictor of first-year reading achievement is the child’s knowledge of and the ability to recognize and name the upper- and lower- case letters of the alphabet (Adams, 1990; Honig, 1996; Riley, 1996).

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