As I write this, I am watching the horrible news out of Oklahoma and am praying for the students, teachers, family and everyone involved in the horrible tragedy.  And once again, we are reminded that despite all of the bad press that teachers get,  we teachers will throw ourselves into harms way to protect our students in an instant.

This is from my sweet and talented friend Crystal at The Library Fox.  Please share!

Howdy!  I’m back!  I just told the mister that it had been 3 days since I blogged and the response was “babe, why?!”  hehe  Well, I was gone this weekend so I didn’t get a chance to blog!  I hit the road for a trip home to see the family!  My 5 year old niece had a dance recital and a t-ball game this weekend so I went home to enjoy the festivities!

If you want pure enjoyment and fun, go watch 4 and 5 year olds play t-ball and dance!  It was so much fun!  I am on proud “gunkle!”  I can’t believe she will be in Kindergarten next year.   Her teacher is gonna have it rough because ya know Gunkle Greg is gonna be watching to make sure she gets the best education possible!  hehe
And now onto bubbles and cookies!
Today we combined two letters into our alphabet countdown!  B for bubbles and c for cookies!
Cookie day worked out so well because I was able to bring my favorite cookie EVER!  These sugar cookies with the yellow icing are made at a bakery in my home town and they are seriously the best cookie ever!  I was so happy that I could have them for cookie day.  People, the icing…it’s made from DOUGHNUT GLAZE!  I know, right?!?!  HMMMMM  (So glad the kids ate them all so I won’t be tempted…)
Today was also b for bubbles day!  We blew bubbles for days!  I made the BEST bubble solution ever!  Seriously, people…these bubbles rocked!
6 cups of water
1 cup of corn syrup
2 cups of Dawn dish washing detergent
Mix together and let sit overnight!  Makes 1 gallon!  BEST BUBBLES EVER! 
And how do you know the bubble day was a huge success??
When we’re covered in bubbles!  Ya know my motto:  messy=success!

Now, there was more to “C” day today…but sadly the kids let me down.  It was also c for crazy hair!  Well, guess what?  There was 1…yes 1…person with crazy hair!
That’s right!  Mr. Greg was the only one with crazy hair.
So, I decided that if I was going to rock the crazy hair, I was going ALL IN!
Yes, this is what I wore to school today!  The kindergarten smorgasboard has set the standard for teacher attire!
I am currently working on a super awesome incredible freebie for ya…but it’s only for my newsletter subscribers!  WHAT?!  You’re not signed up?!  Well go sign up!  The sign up button is on the right side of this page  ———>  so sign up!  I hope to send out the freebie tonight or tomorrow!
AND tomorrow is a HUGE day for Smedley’s Smorgasboard of Kindergarten!  Be sure to come visit and find out what the big deal is!  

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