Happy Monday!!  Today was another half day.  Tomorrow is our first full day of kindergarten.  YIKES!  8 hours of teaching 5 year olds WILL GO WELL!

Monday means Monday Made It!  I am linking up with my dear friend Tara and 4th Grad Frolics to share two more simple little classroom projects


Our class name chart is a pivotal part of our classroom, especially at the beginning of the year!  We use our name chart to learn our names (Shocker, I know, right?!), we use it to spell our names, we learn it to learn our beginning sounds, we use it to count syllables and of course it’s one of our favorite stops when writing the room!  This amazing little tool sure is great for helping address so many Common Core Standards!  

The name chart hangs in a pocket chart in the classroom.  I include the name and picture for each child.  The pictures help us to learn our friends names (and be us I mean Mr. Greg!)
To make the names I used this awesome letterbox font from my friend Mel at Graphics From The Pond!  She is one of my top five clip artists.  Her stuff is adorable!  And I am in love with this font!  I want to use it for everything!
My second little project is our going home chart!  This year’s dismissal is mind boggling for me.  At my old school all of our students walked.  At my school now, they walk from two different exits, ride a bus and go to multiple daycares.  The school has a very organized system but for my little brain, it’s a lot to comprehend.  This chart will help said little brain….I hope…come on brain, don’t fail me!

The chart hangs by the door and is laminated so I can use dry erase markers to update any changes.  

This came from my Mustache Decor Pack if you’re interested!
And a quick freebie!  
We are doing Brown Bear Brown Bear tomorrow and I wanted a coloring sheet.  I looked but just didn’t find what I was wanting.  So I did what I do best and made my own!!  Click the picture to download your copy!
And now I must get busy sorting foam letter stickers for our name activity tomorrow!  Ah the daring and adventurous lives teachers lead!

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