
Phonemic Awareness Fun

Howdy!  I’m sitting in the recliner with a fire going!  A bit of relaxation!  It’s ok to be lazy, right!?  I’m also blogging from my phone!  Hehe

I want to share a simple, quick and fun phonemic awareness activity.  I love this activity because it helps the ‘staches with hearing sounds and changing sounds to make new words.  And they get to laugh and giggle while learning!
We call it name changing!  We take the day of the week and identify the beginning sound.  
Monday- M
We then use that sound to change our names.  For example, Bob would become Mob on Monday.  Lisa would become Tisa on Tuesday.  And so on.  We talk about whose name would not change based on the sound.

We do this daily and it takes about 3 minutes!  I’ve been doing this for 4 years and see a marked difference in our phonemic awareness skills.  I even let them change my name everyday and they love it!
And check out our new rug!  

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