A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Saturday…err…Monday Kindergarten Post!

Howdy!  OK, so I know it’s not Saturday…but I have a very valid reason for not posting all weekend!  
We’ve had some company this weekend.  We’ve watched Christmas movies…made ornaments…made gingerbread houses…had Christmas dinner…opened gifts…and played until we were exhausted!  OH and rode out some tornado warnings!  Quite a weekend!
I love getting to spend time with the family!  Even Butters had a blast playing with is little human toys all weekend.
I wanted to share what we’ve been up to the past week or so in our classroom.  You know…survival mode?!
Of course, we’ve been deep into our gingerbread adventures!
Gingerbread man hunt…returning to our room to find ginger snap cookies and a giant gingerbread man!  And the materials to make a gingerbread man hat!
  We read a bunch of gingerbread stories and compared and contrasted the stories.  We had great discussions on the stories, we made predictions, we echo read the stories and we laughed a lot!  Isn’t that what it’s all about?!
These adorable little gingerbread men came from Mrs. Miner’s Kindergarten!

And of course, we decorated cookies.  But not just any gingerbread men cookies…NINJA BREAD MEN!  I’m pretty sure that we used 15 pounds of icing and sprinkles!
We made gifts for our parents!  These were a HUGE hit!  I made my mommy one and gave it to her this weekend and she loved it!  For more on this fun and cheap gift, click on the picture!
We had some fun with our sight words!  We “lit up” our sight words to decorate the hallway with Christmas lights!
We made these adorable poinsettias!  The ‘staches were in awe of these!
We watched The Polar Express and drank hot chocolate in our pajamas!  Sonic was kind enough to donate these cups, lids and sleeves.  The ‘staches thought they were all grown up and drinking coffee.  One of them said:  “I’m gonna tell my mommy you let us drink coffee and she will be mad!”
And finally, we checked the progress of our name writing.  I do this on the first day of school, the day before winter break and on the last day of school.  I love seeing the progress the ‘staches make with their handwriting.  I love that they can see their own improvement in something so special as their name!  
Class gifts!  I gave my staches Post It Notes and pencils so they could write and draw.  A slinky because we’ve been hard at work stretching our minds.  Smarties because we’re smarties.  And a CD of all of our class songs!  
We did it!  We made it to winter break!!!

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