A Kindergarten Smorgasboard FIve For Friday FREEBIE!

Today was the last day of school for us!  It was the last day for students but I have some work days next week but I consider myself on summer vacation.  That means lots of sun, naps, tons of new creations and 3 presentations to prepare the kindergarten conference in Vegas!  
Here is my first Five For Friday of the summer with a much requested FREEBIE!

This week we celebrated C for crazy hair.  You can’t really tell but that’s definitely purple glittery hair!  I had glitter all over me and the school…I love glitter!

Yes. I. Did.  Thanks to my TBFF Jenny for playing along with me!  I am so excited to work with her on the same team next year.  We are going to be a WILD K team next year!  Check out her amazing clip art at The Hartmann Sparkle!
This is my buddy Alex.  He was very sad today.  He wouldn’t take his backpack off all morning and never smiled once.  I am so thankful to have had this incredible kid in my class.  He was awarded the Fan-Stache-Tic Personal Assistant Award yesterday for always taking care of me!  Love him!
And, now here are some of our Fan-STACHE-Tic end of the year awards!!!!!!  

Fire Drill made me cry again today.  Her dad pulled up at dismissal and she jumped into my arms and squeezed.  I owe so much to that little ‘stache.  She won the Fan-STACHE-Tic Shantasia award for always being HER!
And…this school year began with her yelling this word at me:  “HUH?”  and it ended perfectly today when I said her name and she yelled out “HUH?”   
This was my absolute best year of teaching my most favorite class ever.  Period. 
And here’s your freebie!  I made our Fan-STACHE-tic awards editable and free.  You’ll need to download some fonts (links in the freebie).  Just download, open the file in PowerPoint and type!  
I put my entire TPT store on sale for 20% off today and tomorrow to celebrate the end of the school year!  

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