Happy Hump Day! But really, when you’re on summer break, do the days really matter?!
Since it’s technically Wednesday….that means it’s time for What’s Happening Wednesday! And what’s happening today is pretty freakin’ awesome….no really….
What’s happening today is a real life video shoot…in my classroom….with GoNoodle for a GoNoodle commercial. TRUE STORY. My classroom has been turned into a film set. Complete with lights, cameras, a director, producers, sound and light guys….and even the cool board that they slap to start filming. Except it’s not a board…it’s an app.
So, GoNoodle is a brain breaks website that my class is OBSESSED with. We get awesome five minute activity breaks throughout the day to keep us focused and engaged. GoNoodle is actually headquartered here in Nashville so I get to hang out with the cool GoNoodle staff. Yes, it’s ok to be jealous.
GoNoodle asked if I would be interested in using my classroom for their video. Um…let me think…YES!
Now…I’m not in the video. But my classroom and some kids from my school are there! It’s been super cool to see this all done. The director even says: “quiet on the set!” I feel so…movie star-ish.