We have spent the last 2 weeks traveling the world and celebrating Holidays Around The World!  My ‘staches have been so engaged and excited for each country we’ve visited.  We have learned so much about geography and culture and customs.  We’ve read books and watched videos as our research.  We’ve done art and writing.   But most importantly we’ve had FUN while learning!   So where did we go on our 2nd week of travels!?  Check it out!

Our private jet (Known as Google Earth!) took us to Israel.  We learned all about Hanukkah and made a menorah using paint, paper plates and paper!

holidays around the world

Next, our jet took us to Australia!  We learned that Australia celebrates Christmas in the summer and they like to spend time at the beach and eat seafood for Christmas!

holidays around the world australiaholidays around the world

Next we flew to India and learned about Diwali.  My friend Kevin celebrates Diwali and he made a video for us to share all about Diwali.   We made beautiful diyas or oil lamps for Diwali!  (If you would like to use the Diwali video from Kevin, you can download it HERE!)

  india diwali kindergarten

Then we visited Sweden where we met Tomten and learned to say Good Jul!  We made Lucia crowns and Starboy hats!

sweden holidays around the world

Our next stop was South Africa!   We learned that Christmas in South Africa can be hot!  We learned how they decorate Christmas trees or tree branches so we made these cute (and easy) torn paper Christmas trees!

christmas in south africa

Our final stop on our world tour is here in America!

holidays around the world


As part of our holidays around the world tour, each child receives an airplane ticket to each country!

holidays around the world

We also displayed the flag of every country we visited along with each country chart we made as we did our research!

holidays around the world

Holidays Around The World Snacks

And of course, we have to have snacks to represent each country!


Gingerbread (Pepperkakor)-Sweden

Crab Meat (seafood)-Australia

Applesauce (Hannukah)-Israel

holidays around the world snacks


Some of us loved the crab meat….and some…not so much!


To see our first week of Holidays Around The World, check out this blog post!


To see our Holidays Around The World Crafts, check out this post!



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