
Happy Schedulin’ Sunday! This week we’re continuing our Weather Research Project, continuing Vowel Bootcamp, using a new Read It Up! for St. Patrick’s Day and working on composing numbers with to make 10!

Composing Numbers Lesson Plans

Here are our lesson plans for the week! Simply click the image to download our lesson plans for Composing Numbers to make 10, Vowel Teams Bootcamp, Weather and Read It Up! The Old Lady Who Swallowed A Clover and more!

AND….our lesson plans are now clickable! You can click on any book or resource and go directly to that creation or book!

composing numbers

Weather Research Project And Weather Activities

This week we are continuing our  Weather Research Project.  For this research project, we start with hands-on weather activities and experiment.  After this week we move to a daily weather observation journal!  As with all of our research projects the students compile a research journal to record all of their learning!  And we start with a schema map!

weather activities
weather activities
weather activities

This week our weather activity is all about daily weather observations. Each day we record the weather in our Weather Observation Journal! These will be used to create a five-day weather forecast at the end of our weather unit!

For more weather activities and more details on our Weather Research Project, check out this post:

weather activities

Vowel Teams Bootcamp

Then we are moving from CVC-E words with Vowel Bootcamp and starting Vowel Teams Bootcamp. This week is OR words! We do circle charts, word writing, blending and sorting.

For small group work, we use our Vowel Teams Bootcamp decodable readers!

For OR words, to practice blending words, make a CORN anchor chart! Each student reads a word on the kernel and glues it on the chart!

Read It Up: The Old Lady Who Swallowed A Clover

This week we are reading There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Clover and using Read It Up! The Old Lady Who Swallowed A Clover.

To see what’s included in our Read It UP: The Old Lady Who Swallowed…check out this post on The Old Lady Who Swallowed A Chick!

For more on our Read It Up! comprehension resources, check out this post:

three little pigs

Math: Composing Numbers

This week we’re starting to work on composing numbers to make 10! We will be using our Snapping Numbers creation! Fun fact: this is one of our most popular creations!

We will start with a whole group lesson using MathStackers. These math tools provide a powerful hands-on, concrete lesson for composing numbers and making 10. We will make 10 in different ways and write the equations!

composing numbers

For more information on MathStackers, check out this post:

Our next composing numbers lesson is bowling! We will use a giant bowling set to make 10! The studetns make equations out of the pins we knock down and the pins left standing.

composing numbers

Next, we use a ten frame and our bodies for composing numbers make 10! To make our ten frames on the floor we use SitSpots tape!

composing numbers
composing numbers

Our assessment of composing numbers is to build a tower of 10, draw the tower and write the equation!

composing numbers

Students will also work on making 10 using our Wreck-It activity in small groups!

composing numbers

And we might even make cookies to practice composing numbers and making 10!

composing numbers

Foodie Fun Friday

This week’s Foodie Fun Friday will be a rainy weather parfait using blue Jello and whip cream!

Mad Science Thursday

This week’s hands-on science experiment will be our shaving cream and food coloring rain experiment. This is a great (and EASY!) experiment to help students see how the water cycle works!

For more hands-on science experiments, check out our Mad Scientists Creation!

FREE Poem And Emergent Reader

These are the creations we are using this week:


composing numbers

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