
Wireless Doorbell For The Classroom


Classroom management is the key to everything in our classrooms.  And one of the key pieces of classroom management is being able to get your students’ attention easily and effectively no matter what’s happening in the classroom.  And sure, there are lots of ways to achieve this but most of those methods require more noise which can easily escalate into more chaos.  Trust me.  I’ve been there.   After trying the clapping method for attention-getting and it basically becoming a standing ovation each time, I decided there had to be a better, more effective way.  And that’s when the wireless doorbell came into our classroom!

How Does The Wireless Doorbell Work?

It’s actually incredibly simple.   You purchase a SADOTECH doorbell on Amazon or from sadotech.com.

Plug the receiver into any outlet in the classroom.

We recommend a SadoTech Doorbell. Click Here

Glue the button to a clothespin so you can attach the button to your shirt or lanyard or you can use a hand-sanitizer holder from Bath And Body Works.   This means you ALWAYS have the button with you so no matter where you are in the classroom or what you’re doing, you can easily ring the doorbell to get your class’ attention. Having that button on you at all times is important!

At the beginning of the year, we learn the procedure and expectations for the doorbell.  When the doorbell rings, you stop.  Put your hands in your lap or at your side.  Look at Mr. Greg and you’re quiet.


The wireless doorbell is my most favorite classroom management tool and it’s a must-have for all classrooms!   

Which Wireless Doorbell Do You Recommend?

In my classroom, we use a wireless doorbell from SADOTECH!  I love these doorbells because they are loud enough for classrooms.  They come in lots of fun colors.  You can adjust the volume and chimes on these and they are very high quality and last a long time!    

For more information, ideas, and resources, check out these posts:





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