Apparently, there’s this thing in politics, government, and business called a document dump.  And you use it when you want to put a bunch of information out without drawing attention!  So, by popular demand, I’m doing a back-to-school documents dump!   I get lots of requests for my notes and letters that I send home so I wanted to share those with you!

back to school documents

These documents used to go home on Meet The Teacher Night or on the first day of school.  In 2020,  when we learned we were starting the year virtually, I wanted to connect with my students and families immediately because I knew the challenges were coming.  I decided to mail a welcome packet, including photographs, so they had as much information and a way to contact me as soon as possible.  This really made an impact because we had formed relationships before the year started!  The photographs were included because I wanted the kids to know my face before we had to pop on a screen together.  I included a photograph of my family so they could get to know all of me!  Now, this packet is mailed home each summer before school starts.

These are PDF files and are not editable.  They are only being offered as a guide or resource.

The following documents go in the welcome packet:

Daily Schedule

back to school documents class schedule

No Tables No Desks/Flexible Seating Letter

There are two different notes included in this file:  one is for no tables/desks and one is for flexible seating!

back to school

Kindergarten Information Sheet

back to school documents student information sheet

Family Welcome And  Information Letter

parent letter

Shoe Tying Note 

Video/Social Media/Photo Release

Slippers In The Classroom Note

The following documents are sent home as these activities are introduced!

Sight Word Grid Letter

Emergent Reader Letter

If you would like our emergent reader books you can find them in our online store for FREE. CLICK HERE

For more information and back-to-school resources, check out these posts:

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