Holidays Around the World is one of our favorite units of the year. It allows us to bring our students’ and families’ cultures, holidays, and traditions into the classroom. And ya’ll, it keeps the kids engaged, so I spend less time peeling them off the ceiling! We visit a different country daily and learn about their holidays and traditions. We then create holidays around the world art projects for each place we visit or each holiday we learn about. If you need ideas for Christmas Around The World art projects, keep reading!
These ideas and everything you need for Holidays Around The World are included in our Holidays Around The World Research Project!

Holidays Around The World Art Projects

Mexico-Poinsettias! I bring in a real poinsettia, and we use triangles to make our own poinsettia.

France-Yule Log. Students draw some lines on a brown piece of paper. They attach the candles to one side of the paper and then roll the paper into a cylinder. Glue. Add glitter.
Italy-we make a broom for Old Befana!

Germany-Christmas Trees. Cut strips of paper into various sizes. I made my strips 2″ bigger each time, Starting with 1″ and adding 2″ for each additional strip. Students must put the strips from smallest to biggest to make their tree! Add glitter if you want! We’ve also made rainbow trees and marble painting trees!

England-Holly and Ivy-paint feet or hands green. Add red berries. Add glitter as desired.

More Holidays Around The World Art Projects
Hanukkah-paper plate menorahs. Students paint the plates blue. Then, we fold the plates and cut them in half. One-half is the top of the menorah. Cut the 2nd half into quarters and make a base. Add candles. Glitter as desired. We also make menorahs out of paper for a less messy option!

Sweden-Starboy and Lucia hats. Starboy-fold 12×18 construction paper into a cone. Cut off any excess. Glue on stars. Lucia-sentence strip and holly leaves printed on paper. Cut out the leaves. Glue onto the sentence strips. Add candles. Glitter if desired.

Australia-paper plate wreaths. Cut out the center of the plate. Students tear paper and cover the plate. Add a red bow and plenty of glitter!

For Diwali, we make diyas. We paint a paper plate gold. Then, we make our diya from foil paper and add a flame. Another option is to use yellow paper or cardstock for the background. The foil paper is from Amazon. CLICK HERE TO GET FOIL PAPER!

Ramadan-we use cookie cutters to paint stars and moons!

Santa windsock! Students choose the skin tone for their Santa. After assembling Santa, we roll him into a cylinder shape, and I staple them together! We display them by hanging them from the ceiling!

We also make Santa. Students choose the skin tone of their Santa. This Santa is basic shapes: a triangle for the body and a hat. Circle head, nose, eyes, ball, and buttons. Rectangle for the hat. The hair and beard are curled up strips of paper.

For Kwanzaa, we make handprint kinaras!

For more on Holidays Around The World, check out this post:

Get Started With Your Own Holidays Around The World Unit Now!