A Kindergarten Smorgasboard of Greater Than And Less Than

Happy Monday!  Monday’s are so hard.  I did not want to get out of bed this morning.  It was all warm and cozy.  But I did it!!  And it was a good day.  I must admit, that I love Monday because the monsters are dazed.  That means a calm and quiet and drama free day.  Of course, Mr. Greg still likes to get cray cray so we have fun.  And of course, tomorrow will be back to our normal drama filled days!  YAY!!!

Today we started learning about greater than and less than.  We have been doing this as part of our daily calendar for a while, so it was no surprise that the monsters mastered this on day one.  Let’s face it, those monsters are amazing.  Brilliant little geniuses.  And they have a stellar teacher, so really, would you expect less?!

I always kick off my greater than and less than with a fun whole group activity that gives each student a chance to be “greater gator!”  I use an alligator mouth and groups of students.  Greater gator gets to eat the group that has more!

The kids love this!  It’s engaging, interactive and their having fun!  WHAT?!  Having fun and learning?!  CRAY CRAY!
And the today my amazing teammate, Ms. D, had this amazing little object on her table during lunch (true story, we have evacuated the teachers lounge and eat in Ms. D’s classroom…too much negativity in the lounge area…so we have gone into seclusion!)  and I totally had to do it.  I even asked her if I could steal it and blog about it…be prepared to be dazzled and wowed!
I know.  Right.  I will give you a minute to soak it in.  
OK!  Is that not great?!  It’s so simple yet so powerful for teaching.  It’s hands on, interactive and engaging!  Doesn’t my team rock with their amazing ideas?!
To make this amazing device, simply cut a file folder in half.  Then cut it in half again so you have four strips.  Then you cut two small strips.  Poke a hole in the file folder and the two strips.  Use a brass brad to attach the strips to the folder.  And BAM!  You have a great teaching tool for greater than or less than!
These are perfect for centers and small group instruction.  You can use number cards or sets of objects on either side to show greater than and less than.

The students move the two pink strips to show greater than and less than. 
Totally revolutionary!!  
And of course, Monday means one thing.  The highlight of your day.  Your week.  It’s what Monday is all about.
It’s A Kindergarten Smorgasboard SILLY HAT MONDAY!
Are you ready for some football?!?!
Check out this common core aligned creation!  Tons of skills that are great for centers!  Differentiated!  

Click on the groundhog for a great groundhog day freebie!

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