Happy St. Patrick’s Day!  I know…I know…I’m a day late but I went out after school to celebrate so I didn’t get to share all of our fun St. Patrick’s Day craziness!  So here it is.

Leprechaun visit?  Check.
Leprechaun potty break?  Check.
Hat?  Check.
Math Fun?  Check.
Snacks?  Check.  
Academics?  Check.
Common Core?  Check.
Fun and Messy? Absolutely!!!  It is my motto after all!!
We wrote about the things that make us lucky.   I must say that when students share some of the things that they are lucky for, it makes you stop and appreciate so much.  It really can be a powerful, emotional and eye opening moment of reality.  It also makes me love my ‘staches more.
“I am lucky that I have a bed.”
“I am lucky to have food to eat.”
“I am lucky my mom loves me.”
“I am lucky my momma likes me.”
And my personal favorite (And I might be a little biased…):  “I am lucky to have a nice teacher!”
We made these adorable leprechaun puppets to display with our writing.  See how I add writing to make art meet Common Core?!
And apparently these leprechauns are very popular!  So many teacher friends said they did these with their classes!  I would LOVE to know where these came from!
Click on the picture to download your free writing paper!
We also had some math fun!  My ‘staches love roll and color!  I love that they’re easy to implement and they’re a great learning tool.
I made the domino version of the game.  People, it blew their minds.  This was a great way to extend this game to my high achievers.  They rolled two dice and had to find a domino with the same number of shamrocks (not the same pattern!).  MINDS BLOWN!  But after some struggle, they got it  and had a blast.  See how we had to struggle and show some grit to get there?!  
OK…so we had some learning.  Now the fun!
This crazy leprechaun got into our room and made a mess.  A huge mess.  He did leave each ‘stache a gold good luck coin.  But man he made a mess.
Can you see major excitement and fun for the ‘staches?!  When they walked in, it took a minute for the situation to sink in.   Once it did:  PANDEMONIUM!
So, I know everyone wants to know about Fire Drill…well I’m pretty sure this was almost more than she could handle.  She just walked around with her arms up saying:  “What happened?”  “What happened?”
After we cleaned up and started writing, she would randomly get up and walk to the window (the leprechaun feet prints went out the window…) put her hands on her hips and say:  “OH MY GAWD!” and go sit down.  She did this about 4 times.    I just love that little girl.
Yes people, the leprechaun had a potty break.  He used our bathroom and left glitter in our toilet.  HILARIOUS!

A parent brought in green cupcakes and sprinkles and icing for us to decorate!  We had a blast decorating and eating our green cupcakes!  We also enjoyed the leprechaun chow that the mister made us.  And we had shamrock shakes!  I’m pretty sure one of my ‘staches had 4 or 5 shakes!  
Of course, there was a hat!  
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

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