Schedulin’ Sunday! Weather!

Happy Schedulin’ Sunday!   People, can you believe it’s March?!  Holy cow!   I’m ready for warm weather so I can put the top down on Smorgie1 and soak up the sun!   I mean, what’s the point of driving a Jeep if you can’t put the top down?!  (And you must have sunglasses to match your Jeep….true story!)
As always, you can download my weekly lesson plans by clicking on the pictures!
This week we’re learning all about weather!!!!!   I love this theme because it means spring is here and the weather is changing!   And weather is freakin’ awesome cuz I’m a nerd that way!
We will be using my Weather Research Creation to research and write about weather!  
Click the picture to see weather books!
Day 1:
We start off with our schema map!   We record our schema using Post It Notes!   As the week goes on, we add new learning on more Post It Notes!
Then we come up with weather words!  We brainstorm all of the weather words we can come up with.  This gives you some insight into how much your students know about weather!
Then we make a weather hat!  Of course!   You can’t start a new theme or unit without a hat!   It’s a requirement!
Day 2:  We learn about the wind!
We read a book about wind and do our tree map.
Then we get to be the wind.  You are the wind.  Become the wind!
You need a yardstick and a feather!   Have students estimate how far they can blow a feather.  Record their estimates.  Then each student gets to blow the feather.  Record their distance.
Day 3:  We learn about the sun!
We read a sun book, do our tree map and then we make the sun.
Make the sun.  Be the sun.
We mix red and orange paint on a paper plate and then cut our triangles to make the sun’s rays!
Day 4:  We learn about rain!
We read, we do our tree map and then we paint the rain using our fingerprints!   We make clouds from cotton balls and black paint!
Friday, we celebrate some weather learning with Foodie Fun Friday and Mad Science Friday!
We make a cloud and rain snack with cool whip and blueberries!
For Mad Science, we use shaving cream and food coloring to make it rain!
This is not only epic fun but it’s a great visualization that helps kids understand how clouds get full of water and then it rains!  
In math, we’re doing word problems!   We’ll be reading and solving word problems whole group and on our own using food, unicorns, dinosaurs and pirates!
And of course, there are freebies!

(Graphics:  Creative Clips  Jen Hart Design  EDUCLIPS)

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