I’m A Rockstar! But Not Why You Might Think

Greetings! Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog. This is my first of what I hope will become many, many posts!

As I read all of the great teacher blogs out there, I keep telling myself that this is something I want to do and should do. With the encouragement of my fiancée‘ husband, I am finally taking the leap!

I want to introduce myself to everyone. I am a rock star of sorts. It’s true. Everywhere I go people react the same way to me. They “oooh and aahhh” at me. They get very excited and sometimes get a little giddy. That effect is multiplied when I’m attending workshops and professional development. What makes me a rock star, you ask? I am a male kindergarten teacher.

We are a rare breed, but we’re out there! (Did you know that 1-2% of all Kindergarten teachers are male?!)  I don’t know what it is about being a male kindergarten teacher, but it really does make people a little giddy. I always tell people that I absolutely have the best job in the world. And to think that 4 11 16 years ago when I was dragged kicking and screaming into kindergarten, I was calling my mommy telling her I couldn’t do it and I didn’t want to do it.

And here I am starting a blog to share my ideas, creations and stories of being a male kindergarten teacher.

I teach in a public school in Nashville. My  students face obstacles and challenges each day.   But I’m here to tell you that these little scholars don’t allow those things to slow them down on their quest for excellence. I set very high expectations for my students and we don’t allow excuses as to why we can’t!

Our first rule is that we never say the words ” I can’t.” Our second rule is that we expect ourselves to better than the best! I have been teaching kindergarten for three eleven sixteen years. I have also taught second grade and fifth grade, but my heart and my passion is kindergarten. I love seeing my students grow and soak up every piece of knowledge they discover. I love finding new ideas and resources for my students and I love creating for my students. I love doing art projects with my class as well as science experiments. I get a lot of comments on our very, very decorated hallway! I am very excited and a whole lot anxious about starting this blog, but here goes!

I hope you’ll follow me and come back often! I plan to share ideas and stories from my classroom and I also plan to start posting units and activities that I create!

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