It’s a little snowy here in Music City. And by little I mean there are snowflakes falling but they’re not sticking. But if you listen to the news this morning the snow is accumulating. I mean 1 inch people…1 inch. UGH! I wish teachers were like weather people…no matter what they never get in trouble for being wrong because weather changes and isn’t easy to predict! UM HELLO THAT IS TEACHING!!!!!! It’s not perfect and changes every minute! But we sure get blamed and ridiculed…but not those weather people…OK…enough of that!
It’s Saturday. That means it’s time for The Saturday Kindergarten Post! This week is another short one people. Monday I was out for the inspection on the new home. Tuesday I was out for what I thought was pink eye but it was really an infection (it’s better but i still have some cloudiness going on) and Wednesday we had a professional day to score some tests. UM, I had one (yes, 1) test to score so I ended up with a day off. So, I had two days with the monsters this week. I HATE missing so much. I love being with the monsters and doing all of the stuff we have planned. Next week is almost a full week! YAY!