A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Saturday Kindergarten Post April 21st, 2013

We did it!  Another week down.  5 more to go!  This was wild animal week in the kindergarten smorgasboard.  And I don’t mean the monsters were wild animals…although they were.  We learned about animals in anticipation of our zoo trip on Monday.  Yep.  15 monsters and I are taking over the zoo.  1 adult.  15 5 year olds.  In a zoo.  No walls to contain them.  The monsters have left the building.  I got this.  I do, right?!  ummmm  Let’s not ponder that disaster now…let’s enjoy the Saturday Kindergarten Post!

This week we kicked off our end of the year alphabet countdown.  Every day we celebrate a different letter starting with z and counting down to a.  Our morning message every day is a bubble map of words for our letter!

Wild animals.  Giraffes….flamingos….zebras…meerkats! Oh my!

Animal cracker fun in math!  The monsters LOVED this!!! I mean, who doesn’t love food!?  And animal crackers!?

Center Fun!  Puzzles…ten frames…QR codes…Stampin Numbers OH MY!
X for X-change autographs!  We all signed each other’s t-shirts.  I have a shirt from each of my kindergarten classes (4 years!) and I love it!  such a great keepsake and so much fun to do and wear!
We also did Y for yellow!  Look at us rocking the yellow.  Especially that Mr. Greg…check out those pants.  Those shoes.  (And yes the socks are yellow too!)
This week we have had the pleasure…the honor…the great fortune to be using centers from my friend Alessia at Mrs. Albanese’s Kindergarten Class and her awesome Spring Literacy and Math Centers!  This thing is full of simple, engaging, and fun activities that are perfect for centers and really are designed to reach all learners!

Our most favorite center was Ducky Can Add!  The students LOVED ducky and his dots! 
I loved that my students who need CVC practice could work on CVC words and students who needed beginnng, middle and ending sounds help could work on that.  And I love that my friend who is working hard to build his number sense to 10 had something he could do.  People, it has everything!!!!!

Another popular activity was using sunflowers to spell sight words.  We need a lot of help with sight words so this was great for the monsters.  They read the word on the paper and used the sunflowers to spell the word.  Then they wrote the word.  Read it, make it, write it.  BAM!  
You need to check out this awesome spring resource and go say hi to my friend Alessia and say hi!
Be sure to visit her TPT store too!  She has some great resources.  We also have been using her write the room this week because she has a zoo themed write the room.  Again….HUGE hit with the monsters.  And easy for the teacher.  Kid tested.  Mr. Greg approved!
And here’s the best part!  Someone is going to win this great Spring Pack as well as my Dino Mite Addition pack!  Simply leave a comment (WITH YOUR EMAIL!  I can’t send ya the prize if you don’t leave an email…ya know?!)  and tell me your favorite beverage.  I will select one random person to win both prizes!  

And no week is complete without a silly hat!  What?!  You didn’t really think I’d let you down did ya?!
Yes, I am the king of the kinder wild things.  
A HUGE thanks to my friend Katie at Teacher To The Core for the hat.  And guess what?!  She is hooking ya up!  She will be posting the hat for free (King and queen versions! And student versions!) on her blog on Monday!  Go visit Katie and tell her Gregzy Wegzy says hello!

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