A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Saturday Kindergarten Post Septemeber 28th, 2013

Does apple week exhaust anyone else?!  Shew, it’s a lot of fun and learning but it’s a lot of work for the teacher!  But it’s all worth it!!  
Here is our week…apples…ice paint…insects…graphing…Johnny Appleseed…adding!  
Apple prints!  We had so much fun painting apples and printing on our papers!  There were lots of giggles and lots of mess!

Apple week was all about writing, graphing, eating, and labeling!  We labeled apple parts.  We learned the life cycle of an apple, we tasted apples and graphed our favorites.  We made a tree map!  
STORY TIME!  When we were learning the parts of an apple I expalined to the ‘staches that the white stuff inside the apple is called the “flesh.”  When I asked later what the inside of the apple was called, one of my students answered:  “the sh**!”  TRUE STORY!  He got a little confused.  Of course,  I cracked up and laughed hysterically!  I love kindergarten!

The highlight of apple week is of course, APPLESAUCE!  The ‘staches cut the apples and we let them cook all day!  We even wrote our own applesauce recipe!  If I head one stache ask when the applesauce would be done, I heard it asked 4,297 times.  The best part of the cooking process was when one ‘stache yelled out “OMG Mr. Greg is a genius”  and everyone applauded.  And then one of the ‘staches yelled out “Mr. Greg is the best cooker!”  Oh wait…I mean….the best part is watching the ‘staches enjoy the applesauce at the end of the day!  
And of course, the room smelled so cinnamon-y good all day!
And of course we learned about Johnny Appleseed!  We read books about John and wrote about him.  Of course, we made a pot for our head!  

Yes people, we painted with frozen paint.  ICE PAINT!  This is one of the messiest things we do all year.  But it’s oh so much fun!  Since we celebrated the letter I this week, it was only appropriate that we painted with ice!  
I fill ice trays with paint and let it freeze.  The tables are covered with shower curtains.  Each child gets an Ii outline.  I pop the ice paint cubes out of the ice trays and the ‘staches go at it!  It was a blast!  They laughed and squealed.  They had a blast!  
(The principal came in to see what we were up to and he told me that he appreciated the memories that I was giving them and actually THANKED me for doing such fun and memorable activities with my kids!  People, a principal that gets kindergarten!!!!! AMAZING!)

And of course, now week is complete without Mr. Greg in a silly hat!  But this week you get Mr. Greg in a silly hat TIMES TWO!

And how was your week?

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