A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Five For Friday November 2013

TGIF!  This was a slow week, even though I only worked 4 days.  Can I just say that Friday’s EXHAUST me?!  We do Mad Science experiments every Friday and we have Foodie Fun Friday so Mr. Greg is beat by the end of the day.  But it’s so worth it to hear them oooh and ahhh at the cool science we do and the food we cook!  
How about a Five For Friday?!
Here we go!
I just have to share these again.  The ‘staches are begging for these new centers.  I love that I’ve been able to create something that has them so excited and engaged with CVC words!!!  What Does The Fox Say?  The fox says Mr. Greg is GREG-TASTIC!  
Today’s mornign message.  Every Friday, we do nouns for our morning message.  We always talk about places as somewhere that we go.  So, China and a funeral home.  The China one is so funny because earlier in the week, the SAME ‘stache shared that he was thankful for China.  Someone has developed a 5 year old China obsession.  And the funeral home?!?!  

This is the moment we teach.  That’s all.
And he did a great drawing…I’m rocking the scruffy face (yeah…it’s that HOT!) so he got that detail down!

People.  It’s her.  It’s really her.  It’s Deanna Jump!  I finally got to hug this lady at the Tennessee Kindergarten Conference on Monday!  I had so much fun hanging out with all my kinder peeps and meeting so many great people!  I learned a lot.  And I got to meet Deanna.  Seriously, the day I was forced into Kindergarten 5 years ago I found her class website (this was after many beverages and I had stopped sobbing to my mommy…true story) and decided to rock the kindergarten world at my school.  She really did help me so much and never knew it!  And now I am honored to call her a friend!

Um, that would be Kim Adsit photo bombing!  I love these ladies!!  I am so blessed to be surrounded by such amazing friends and teachers and supporters!
That’s Five.  It’s Friday.  I’m scruffy (which means I’m looking good) so now it’s time to hit the town…yeah, right…I mean the recliner!  

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