
A Kindergarten Smorgasboard of Wednesday Centers: January 23, 2014

It’s HUMP DAY!  Today we had to work and learn and glitter in our coats, hats, gloves and scarves because our heat had decided to take a hiatus.  True story.  It’s hard to be glitter-ific and Greg-tacular with gloves on.  Just sayin…but, hey, we did it.  We worked, we learned.  And I’m finally thawed out! So, how about a peek into the centers the ‘staches have been hard at work on this week?

I want to make a little disclaimer/clarification about my Wednesday Centers post…we do our math and literacy centers daily.  I just post about them on Wednesday.  And these aren’t all of the centers we do, these are just the ones I’ve managed to snap pictures of!   OK, I feel better now…
This is a favorite!  Who doesn’t love animal crackers?!  How about animal cracker subtraction (and addition)?!  My ‘staches are loving this!  If you’d like this FREEBIE, click the picture or click here!

My ELL student has been working on this center and his initial sound recognition is really improving!  His vocabulary is also growing!  BAM!  Work smarter not harder!  But, he does still call me Mr. Grapes!

It’s a sight word blizzard!!!!  I mean, who doesn’t love snowballs with mustaches while learning sight words?!  Especially when you’re reading, building and writing the words!

It was so cold in our classroom so the hot chocolate counting helped to warm us up.  OK…a boy can dream!

Who doesn’t love some ninjas?!  My boys are obsessed with ninjas (they’re all convinced I’m a ninja…I might encourage such thoughts….but, really, I’m a teaching ninja!  Aren’t all teachers ninjas?!)
Anyways…this is a fun and differentiated center for math!  If you want your FREE ninja center, click the picture or click here!

Place value puzzles to reinforce our place value unit this week!  Can I just say that we’re rocking the place value?!

Reading CVC words!

How about some fun shape graphing?!  Spin and graph and roll and graph!  And 2D and 3D shapes!  And it’s free!  Just click the picture!
If you’re interested in any of our centers, you can check them out here!
So, I have to share what I finished last night!  I just love this common core creation!
Who get’s the song reference?!
And the comment I received about this toothy center today just made my day!
How about a give away?  Leave a comment with 1 of your favorite Pop songs that you use in your classroom!  LEAVE YOUR EMAIL!  I’ll choose a winner tomorrow!!

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