Morning Meeting Number Greeting! SmorgieVision

It’s time for another fun filled SmorgieVision!   Our latest classroom video shows off a fun way to incorporate number recognition into our morning meeting! 
The great thing about morning meeting is that it builds community and helps kick off your day but it can also be used to hit some academic skills and standards as well!
So, fun, engaging, community building and learning?!   Yes, please!
For this simple greeting you simply need to program some white address labels with numbers 1-20!  
Stick a label on each child and yourself!  (Yes, you have to get involved!)
When students greet each other, they greet their friends by number instead of name!  
“Good morning 6!”
“Good morning 10!”
It’s fun!  We giggle!  We’re greeting our friends and learning our numbers1
Then we play the number game!  I pick a number and we count to that number!  If you end up with our number, you sit down!  We play until only 1 of us is left!
So, number recognition and counting all in 1 morning meeting!  BAM!
AND don’t forget the skills in the morning message!   It’s Friday in this  video so we’re doing nouns!  We do nouns every Friday!
So, 1 day.  1 morning meeting.   14 standards.

For more morning meeting greeting ideas, check out this post with 13 different greeting ideas!

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