Celebrating Positive Post It Note Day!

Today my friend Tony Sinanis, the lead learner at Cantiague Elementary ,  inspired me and my students to celebrate Positive Post It Note day in our classroom!  
I mean I’m a huge Post It Note fan AND I’m all about spreading happy and glitter every where….so combining Post It Notes and happiness into one project was perfect.
So we threw out our regular writer’s workshop and embarked on our PPND adventure!
Each of my ‘staches picked someone in our class and wrote a simple, kind message to their friend. 
Then we stuck the messages on our friends’ cubby!
We made sure everyone got a positive Post It and we got to share them at the end of the day!  
Our positive messages were a hit!   Everyone was so excited to read their note and they couldn’t wait to take the notes home!
I firmly believe that telling our friends how awesome they are should become a regular, routine part of our classrooms and our lives as teachers and humans!    Maybe we can provide an endless supply of Post It Notes and our students can write a Positive Post It anytime they feel the need!   Imagine the impact that would have in our classroom.  And imagine if we wrote Positive Post It Notes to our co-workers on a regular basis…. the power of a Post It cannot be underestimated!
Spread some happiness people and use a few Post It Notes while you’re at it!

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