Mr. Greg’s FAVORITE THINGS 2016!

So, I don’t know if ya’ll know this.  But I have a best friend.  She used to have this TV show and after 25 years she gave up the show.  And during that show she always had a little episode about her favorite things!   So, I called up my BFF Oprah and asked if I could do Mr. Greg’s Favorite Things…and she totally thought that was the best idea.  So…it’s here….



favorite things

Here we go!

Favorite Thing #1

sit spots

SitSpots are an amazing classroom tool that is a must have!   They can be used for so many things.  Classroom management (lining up, assigned seating….).  You can write on them to make learning games simple.  People, they even have SitSpots TAPE which I love for making giant ten frames on the floor!!    SitSpots are durable and they stick to the floor so well that no little hands can pull them up.  I mean…not that kids would ever pull stuff off the floor…or put it in their mouth.   Click the image to get your SitSpots and one of Mr. Greg’s Favorite Things!

sit spots

favorite things

Favorite Thing #2  Augmented Reality from Alive Studios

alive studios

Augmented Reality is 3D without the glasses.  And this is AMAZING STUFF!   I’ve been fortunate to have this technology in my classroom for 2 years and it’s a game changer.  Alive Studios has Letters Alive, Math Alive And Storybooks Alive!


The StoryBooks Alive are amazing.  The books look like a regular book.  But when you add the FREE app, the story comes alive!   My class love these books!   I love how innovative this technology is and how engaging and exciting augmented reality has made our class!   And for that, Alive Studios is one of my favorite things!

Favorite Things #3  Scentsy Buddies!


Scentsy is a favorite thing in my classroom and our house!   Scentsy are electric warmers that melt wax and release amazing fragrances.  We have them all over our house and I have 2 of the warmers in my classroom.  I even try to match the wax to our theme!  True story.

But my FAVORITE THING is Scentsy Buddies!   These buddies are stuffed animals that come with a scent pack.  You place the scent pack in the buddy and the scent releases when you hold the buddy.  I use lavender scents in my buddies and place them in our timeout chair.  When we visit time out, we can hold the buddy and he releases a nice lavender scent to help us relax.  And when Mr. Greg is frustrated with the adults in the building, he can sniff the buddy and relax.   Scentsy has tons of buddies.  Pandas, bats, chicks, penguins, snowmen, spiders, a Yetti, shark, koala and more!   Click the Scentsy image to visit The Mister’s Scentsy store!

scentsy buddy

Favorite Things #4

AmazaPens!   I found these markers on Amazon and ordered some because they had great reviews.  And because I’m obsessed with pens and markers.  Teachers can never have too many pens or markers. So order more! I love these pens because the colors are very bright and the colors don’t’ fade!   In fact, I love them so much I have a set at home and a set at school!   I was worried that for $30 they wouldn’t last long but they’ve lasted since August and they’re still going strong!   Click on the image to see this favorite things on Amazon! (They also have gel pens which I ordered and they are seriously the best gel pens EVER!)


Favorite Things #5

Speaking of Amazon…it’s definitely a favorite thing!  Ya’ll, we’re best friends with the UPS man because he brings us Amazon Boxes EVERY DAY!  I mean, if you can’t get it on Amazon, then you don’t need it.  If it’s in my class then it probably came from Amazon!    Some days….our porch looks like this!  #truestory

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Favorite Thing #6

Scotch Pro Laminator!   This is actually a favorite of The Mister since he does 99.9% of the laminating and cutting in our house!   He loves it because it heats up fast and it laminates fast!  This beast has cut his Sunday work time in half!   I guess that means I can make more stuff!  LAMINATE ALL THE THINGS!


Favorite Thing #7

Sonic!   I cannot function without my Route 44 Sonic Coke or Coke Zero.  I stop EVERY.  SINGLE.  MORNING. on my way to work.  Literally.  I never miss a day.  The nice Sonic employees know me and know my order.  If I’m late, they worry.   I don’t like coffee so Sonic is my jam.  Now my mouth is watering for a Sonic Coke!


Favorite Thing #8

GLITTER!  Nuff said.  Glitter.  All.  The.  Things.  You can never have too much glitter.   TEAM GLITTER!


Favorite Thing #9


Teacher Shirts!  I love my teacher shirts because they allow me to express myself while looking all cute and fun!   I especially love that my friend Dana makes shirts and makes really cute teacher shirts for me.  In fact, I have a whole drawer full of teacher shirts.  The Mister made a rule that every time I get a new shirt, an old shirt must leave.  Not happening!    Check out her Facebook page and Instagram account (Vinyl by Dana) for more of her awesome shirts!


Also check out The Wright Stuff Chics for amazing shirts!

Favorite Thing #10

ESGI!   This one on one, online computer based assessment software is AMAZING!   I’ve used ESGI for 4 years and I cannot imagine my life without it.  It allows me to assess on the fly and in the  moment and generates instant data!   It allows me to really target instruction and meet the needs of all students.  It has amazing parent communication pieces and personalized flashcards.  Ya’ll….I can do all of report card assessments for 19 kids in ONE DAY!    YOU NEED THIS IN YOUR LIFE!   Because it makes assessment and data easy, ESGI is one of my favorite things! If you use my promo code SMORGIE you can try it for free for 60 days and then save $40 off the price should you decide to purchase!


And my final favorite thing….is my TBFF and The Official Clip Art Designer and Photographer of The Kindergarten Smorgasboard!  I love that I can text Jenny and say I need this clipart and BAM!  It shows up!   She also created the amazing favorite things image in this blog!   Check out her TPT store for amazing clip art!


And now….someone is going to win $430 dollars worth of my favorite things!!!  Seriously.  Someone is going to win these prizes:


1 Year License For ESGI

1 set of Amos Alligator Books

SitSpots Gift Certificate

1 set of AmazaPens

1 Scotch PRO Laminator

1 Custom T-Shirt

1 Christmas or Unicorn Clipart set or bundle

1 Scentsy Buddy

That’s over $400 in prizes.   And it could all be yours….just enter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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