I am so excited to announce that The Kindergarten Smorgasboard has been asked by ERIC LITWIN to bring to you THE BE A HEALTH NUT CHALLENGE!

Eric Litwin, you know, the award winning author of the first four Pete The Cat Books and The Nut Family Books!   True story.  I actually spoke with Eric on the phone recently about all things literacy and teaching.  Eric has a passion for literacy and teaching our kids to be lovers of books and reading!

health nut challenge

True story.  This is a picture of me talking to Eric on the phone.  Yep.  It really happened.  Can you see how nervous and excited I was?!

Eric is releasing a new book on April 18th called The Nuts Keep Rolling!

eric litwin

The Kindergarten Smorgasboard is honored and a little excited to OFFICIALLY announce THE BE A HEALTH NUT CHALLENGE to celebrate Eric’s new book!

Here’s how the challenge works:   dance!  And who doesn’t love to dance?!   I mean,have you seen our classroom?!  It’s a regular dance club in there most days!

That’s right!  You’re gonna dance your way to being a health nut!

Each classroom will build their own nut tree (which is available for FREE on Eric’s website!).

health nut challenge

Teach your students the Nut Family Dance (music and lyrics and dance moves available at ericlitwin.com) and set a goal for the number of leaves you want to get on your tree!  Each time your students do the fun and healthy Nut Family Dance you add a leaf to your tree!  When you reach your class goal you WIN and you are OFFICIAL HEALTH NUTS and you earn your Certificate of AchieveNUT!

Click below to hear the Keep Rolling song!

Now, head over to Eric’s website and download your song, posters and your health nut tree and get your class started on moving and grooving and become part of the  BE A HEALTH NUT CHALLENGE!

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