Green Screen Technology In The Classroom

Do you use green screen technology in your classroom?    I had always wanted to use green screen in the classroom but I had never investigated it or took the time to figure it out.  We had two teachers from Illinois come e to Nashville and spent two days in our classroom (yep…we let people visit us all the time!) and they introduced me to an app that makes green screen pictures super easy.  So I want to show you how we use this technology!

First, you need to get the Green Screen by Do Ink app.  The app is $2.99 in the app store.

Next you’ll need a green screen.  On our first attempt at green screen I used green butcher paper and it didn’t work so well.  Then I got some CHEAP plastic table covers from Wal-Mart. I bought a 3 pack for $3.  Super cheap.  And these work GREAT!

We recently purchased a green screen on Amazon.  In the long run this is very cost effective since the table cloths can easily rip and need replacing.   CLICK THE IMAGE TO SEE THIS ON AMAZON!

Now you need to set up your  screen.  This will vary depending on what you want to do with your  pictures or videos.

Here are a couple of ideas we’ve used so far in our classroom:

green screen technology   green screen

 green screen

For this set up, we placed a milk crate under the green screen to give the effect of flying!

For our first adventure with this new technology, I wanted to the kids to “float” through space.  So I simply laid the green table covers on the floor and had the kids lie down and pretend to float!

Here is our very first green screen project:

kids in space

Here are some more fun ideas we have played around with:

Imagine the possibilities….

space….oceans….when the students learn about a place they can do a little video sharing what they’ve learned and you can place them into the video!  Beach Day?  Use this technology to put everyone on the beach!   The possibilities are endless!

Here is a very short and simple video explaining how I use the app to make our pictures!

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