Kindergarten Typing Skills With Typetastic

We all know we are living in the age of the computer and the device.  How many of us have had conversations about screen time?  And now we’re all moving to computer based testing and we hear a very common story:  kids struggle because of their typing skills (or lack thereof)!  So,  when Typetastic reached out to me to try their new typing website I was very intrigued.  I mean, who doesn’t want a fun, colorful, engaging and FREE website that teaches kindergarten typing skills?!

kindergarten typing skills

What Is Typetastic?

Typetastic is a FREE website that works on laptops, desktops and tables to teach kids basic typing skills.  Ya’ll, he said FREE!   And we know how much teachers love free stuff!!

Typetastic keeps kids engaged because they’re playing games while learning kindergarten typing skills!   Because the games are so colorful and fun and visually appealing, the students  want to play the games!  And the more they play, the better they become at typing!

And did I mention free?!

How Does Typetastic Teach Kindergarten Typing Skills?

Typetastic uses GAMES to teach the skills!   It’s like the kids are playing video games but they’re actually learning keyboarding skills and how to use a keyboard!   Typetastic breaks the keyboard into 9 color coded sections so it’s less overwhelming to our students.  As they play the different games, they learn the order of they letters on the keyboard and they learn the correct finger movements to become an expert typer!   The games are motivating for our kids so they want to play and there is a great variety of games so students have lots of fun options to play!

And as an added bonus, we’re getting some work with letter recognition and spatial awareness!

Check out this video to see one of my students playing some of the different games on!

Mr. Greg gives a Smorgie thumbs up and we will be adding this to our classroom technology!  Make sure to check out and get your kids typing away! is free and there is also an ad free school version!


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