Happy Schedulin’ Sunday! This week we’re continuing our month-long Thanksgiving research project and learning about needs and wants! We’re working on Word Family Bootcamp to practice reading and writing CVC words and we’re working on adding to 10!
Needs And Wants Lesson Plans
As always, you can download our weekly lesson plans here:
Needs And Wants
This week we are continuing our month long Thanksgiving Research Project. During the month of November we learn about turkeys, we study needs and wants and being thankful.
Needs And Wants: Explore It Up!
This week our focus is on needs and wants. Students will sort needs and wants and write about needs and wants. To supplement our needs and wants activities, we will be using our new Explore It UP! Needs And Wants!
For needs and wants we start out reading The Piegon Wants A Hot Dog. We learn what is a need and what is a want. Then we sort items into needs and wants while discussing why it’s a need or a want. Students will then complete their own sort.

Next, we do a magazine hunt. Students will cut pictures from magazines and sort them onto our “needs and wants” chart.
Finally, we will write about something we need and something we want and give reasons for each.
For more details and ideas, check out our Thanksgiving blog post!
We will also be making our abstract turkeys! We use the multicultural construction paper cut into strips. The strips are glued onto a circle to make the turkey. Finally, we add eyes, a waddle, and a beak.

Word Families BOOTCAMP
This week we are wrapping up Word Family Bootcamp! After 26 days of ABC BOOTCAMP, we now use the sounds and letters we mastered and apply them to spelling, reading and writing CVC words! We use word families as a scaffold for reading CVC words because the rhyming helps support our students.
This week we are focusing on reading/blending CVC words and writing CVC words.
To provide students extra support and practice, we use our differentiated word family, decodable readers. The readers are included in Word Family Bootcamp.

For more on word families and Word Family Bootcamp, check out this post!
Read It UP! Balloons Over Broadway
This week our Read It Up story is Balloons Over Broadway. This is a truly awesome story about the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. I have the book in my classroom but didn’t read it until last week. As I read the book I was in awe of the story of the parade and I just knew it needed to be a Read It Up so it could be used in every classroom! With this story, we are focusing on character traits, problem/solution, and a STEM challenge to design your own parade balloon!
For more on our Read It Up! comprehension resources, check out this post:
Poem And Sight Word Reader: Leaves and Turkeys
The week our shared reading sight word reader and poem are about leaves and turkeys.
Math: Addition With Quack And Count
This week in
We will read the book Quack And Count and discuss that add means to put together. On day 1 we will read the story and put ducks into the pond. On day 2 the students will be the ducks and they will get ito the pond to add (almost like our Get On My Boat game). For day 3 we will work in small groups to add to 10. Day 4 will be shake and spill and day 5 will be an assessment.
Mad Science
This week, in honor of Thanksgiving, we are doing a cranberry science experiment. We will predict if cranberries sink or float in water and Sprite. Then we will test our hypothesis!
Foodie Fun Friday
Our Foodie Fun Friday snack is a turkey cookie!

To make the cookie we use a large sugar cookie, chocolate icing, candy corn, candy eyes and red icing!
These are the creations we are using this week: