It’s week 13 of school for us! Week 13 means we’re continuing Word Family Bootcamp and really diving into blending and decoding CVC words! And now we’re adding some more emphasis to writing words because we’re doing well with blending! We actually do some blending and segmenting during ABC BOOTCAMP but now it will be our focus! I’m pumped to see them apply the knowledge from ABC BOOTCAMP! We are continuing our district-mandated requirements and our foundational skills curriculum. And this week, we’re starting our Thanksgiving Research Project, reading There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Turkey, doing counting tasks, and doing turkey art projects! This year, my goal is to show you that you can use our TKS resources along with the required curriculums and continue to have fun, so you’ll see that happening throughout the school year!

Note about our required curriculum: this week we are (FINALLY!) wrapping up unit 1 so we have end-of-unit tasks and those will be completed in small groups over the course of the week!

District Guidelines

  • We are required to wear masks indoors but not at recess.
  • We can have shared supplies and centers while maintaining 3 feet of distance when possible.
  • We are keeping our enhanced cleaning procedures (wipe down surfaces throughout the day, steam sanitize the room daily, hand sanitizer/hand washing throughout the day, steam mop the floors daily, etc)

Lesson Plans

As always, you can download our weekly lesson plans by clicking on the image!

You can get our EDITABLE lesson plan template by clicking on the image below:

Word Family BOOTCAMP

After ABC BOOTCAMP, we start Word Family Bootcamp! This is when we take the sounds and letters we learned in ABC BOOTCAMP and begin applying those skills to reading and writing CVC WORDS! Word Family Bootcamp is done a bit differently because we do a word family every 2 days. Day 1 is the circle chart and day 2 is word building and word writing. So we do two-word families a week and Friday we practice blending and writing! I was so proud of my kids in the first week of Word Family Bootcamp! Their decoding/blending skills were great! The writing was good but we definitely have to keep working on those fine motor skills!

As with all of our TKS BOOTCAMP components, we start with the whole group lesson using a circle chart! Students generate words, I draw the picture of course (it’s a must!), and then we segment the sounds to spell the word. Then we work on blending the word.

And yes, Word Family Bootcamp and the entire TKS BOOTCAMP curriculum is aligned to the science of reading. And it has been from day 1 because that’s how I was taught to teach reading so it’s what I’ve always done!

Sight Word 60!

This week we are continuing Sight Word 60! After spending the summer learning more about the science of reading, we are continuing with Sight Word 60. We have always had decoding and encoding (writing) of the words as part of Sight Word 60 so we will continue that and will increase the amount of decoding and writing. We will also use orthographic mapping and we’re changing our order of sight words to align to the 109 most frequent words (even though we do 100 words…). You can learn all the details of how Sight Word 60 works on the linked blog post and you can get everything you need for Sight Word 60 in our Sight Word 60 creation!

Read It Up: There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Turkey

This week we’re also reading Turkey Trouble and using our Read It Up resource to work on comprehension and writing! This is such a fun book that’s great for retelling, working on problems and solutions, and writing! We even write about our favorite pizza!!

This will be the first time we’ve used this Read It Up in class so I’m excited! We will work on sequencing, real and fantasy, and my favorite: writing about how to cook a turkey!

Thanksgiving Research Project

This week we are using our Thanksgiving Research Project to learn about turkeys!

We start all of our research projects with a schema map.

We will use read-alouds to learn about turkeys and complete our graphic organizers. We will do a can/have/are chart, labeling, and a true-false sort!

Labeling isn’t just about labels. It’s a great way to learn vocabulary and get students talking about each of the body parts and how those parts help the turkey.


This week we are continuing to adhere to our district math tasks and lessons. This week our focus is on counting. Here are the tasks for the week:

Monday-counting candy. This lesson will also involve some estimating. We have actually talked about estimating when we did our pumpkin measurement. I will put some candy in my hand and they will estimate how many pieces I have. Then we will count to see how much candy we have. We will discuss what would happen if we have 1 more!

Tuesday-students will be given a pile of counters. They will be asked to count out a given number of counters. For example, I’ll give them 15 counters and they’ll have to count out 11. This will be done in small groups.

Wednesday-ten frame cards. We will use ten frame cards to practice one-to-one correspondence. Students will receive a card, they will identify the number and count using manipulatives. Then we will switch cards and repeat the process.

Veteran’s Day

This week is also Veteran’s Day. We read Hero Mom and Hero Dad. We make a circle chart about veterans and write a thank you note to soldiers and mail the letter.

Hero Mom by [Melinda Hardin, Bryan Langdo]
Hero Dad by [Bryan Langdo, Melinda Hardin]

Additional Veteran’s Day Read Alouds:

Foodie Fun Friday

This week our Foodie Fun Friday snack is a scarecrow in honor of fall! We use tortillas, chips, cheese, and olives. In the past we have also used refried beans but this year we’re considering not using the beans!


Turkey Art Projects

We will make rainbow turkeys and do a new paper-plate turkey painting project!

Here are the directions for the turkey. This directed drawing is from my friend and co-worker! Check out her TPT store, The Creative Camper, for more directed drawings!

These are the resources we are using in our classroom this week:


For more information, check out these posts:

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