Schedulin Sunday: Glow Day, ER/IR/UR Words And Subtraction

This week we’re continuing Backwards Bootcamp, continuing Vowel Teams Bootcamp, working on subtraction, and celebrating GLOW DAY and GLITTER BOMBS!

Note: This year, my goal is to show you that you can use our TKS resources along with required curriculums and continue to have fun, so you’ll see that happening throughout the school year!

Lesson Plans

As always, you can download our weekly lesson plans by clicking on the image!

You can get our EDITABLE lesson plan template by clicking on the image below:

Vowel Teams BOOTCAMP

This week we will be continuing our Vowel Teams Bootcamp with er/ir/ur words!

We will also be using our Vowel Teams decoding cards for extra practice! We start with a circle chart! Did you know that the science of reading tells us that attaching words and phonics skills to known objects helps us learn the words? That’s one of the things that makes our TKS BOOTCAMP curriculum effective. Students can attach the phonics skills to known objects. And because the kids are coming up with the words, we’re activating their affective learning!

We will work on word blending and writing words as well and of course, we will use our decodable texts to practice er/ir/ur words in context!

For small groups, we use our Vowel Teams Blending Cards!

Our final activity and sort of an informal assessment for er/ir/ur words are creating our car anchor chart. Why cars? Because we use Secret Stories and the story for er/ir/ur words are that they are bad drivers and always hit the brakes and say “errrrrrr”. Print the er/ir/ur cars. When we read the words, we sort them into the correct column.

And yes, Vowel Bootcamp and the entire TKS BOOTCAMP curriculum are aligned to the science of reading. And it has been from day 1 because that’s how I was taught to teach reading so it’s what I’ve always done!

Sight Word 60!

This week we are continuing Sight Word 60! After spending the summer learning more about the science of reading, we are continuing with Sight Word 60. We have always had decoding and encoding (writing) of the words as part of Sight Word 60 so we will continue that and will increase the amount of decoding and writing. We will also use orthographic mapping and we’re changing our order of sight words to align to the 109 most frequent words (even though we do 100 words…). You can learn all the details of how Sight Word 60 works on the linked blog post and you can get everything you need for Sight Word 60 in our Sight Word 60 creation!

Explore It Up-Then And Now

This week we’re wrapping up unit 3 of our required curriculum with our end-of-unit task. Students will write about how America has changed.

Glow Day!

Tuesday is GLOW DAY! This is always such a fun day packed with learning and fun! We use our LED lights and 3 black lights to make the room glow. We complete various games and activities to practice skills such as sight words, names, sounds, addition, subtraction, phonics, and more! And guess what?! It’s all so simple. All you need are highlighters and recording sheets! All of the recording sheets are included in our GLOW resource!


This week we’re going to work on subtraction with some fun games including cards and donuts and chickens!

Our first game is chasing chickens. To play the game I write equations on yellow balloons. Those are the chickens. Students “chase” the chickens. When they catch a chicken, they write the equations on the recording sheet.

Click the image to get the FREE recording sheet!

Our next game will be dealing with subtraction using giant playing cards!

Students deal two cards and we write the equation and answer! The challenge of this game is that students have to figure out the bigger number and write the bigger number first!

Our next game is donut subtraction! We use sprinkles on a donut to solve equations. The donut is made from a poster board. The sprinkles are card stock and we use Velcro dots to attach the sprinkles.

Morning Meeting Greeting

This week our morning meeting greeting will be a beach ball greeting. We will toss the beach ball to one another and greet each other!

Backwards Bootcamp

This week we continue our Backwards Bootcamp. I cannot believe we’re at the end of the year. And we’re celebrating the last 26 days of school. This ridiculously challenging year is almost over…and man, we teachers have done amazing things! This week our Backwards Bootcamp activities are:

H And I-hats and ice cream! We had to combine two days because of a last-minute calendar change by the district so hat day and ice cream day were easy to combine!

G-glow day and glitter bombs! Yes. The INFAMOUS glitter bombs!

F-flyswatter painting-dip flyswatters in paint and smack the paint onto paper!

E-exercise-wear exercise clothes and do exercises

D-donuts! Eat donuts!

This week’s resources:


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