It’s Schedulin Sunday! This week is a very short week for us which is nice in a way but we all know that short weeks are crazy and super busy! This week we’re continuing our Farms Research Project, wrapping up Shapes Bootcamp, and using three days for lots of practice with CVC words and Word Family Bootcamp!
Lesson Plans
As always, you can download our weekly lesson plans by clicking on the image!

You can get our EDITABLE lesson plan template by clicking on the image below:

Phonics And Phonemic Awareness Word Family Bootcamp

We are following our required foundational skills curriculum. And we are supplementing with our TKS BOOTCAMP Word Family Bootcamp! Our foundational skills curriculum really starts to focus on segmenting, word chaining and blending, and writing words using sounds. This is exactly what we do with our science of reading aligned Word Family Bootcamp! Each week we do two-word families. Day 1 is a circle chart that includes segmenting sounds, spelling words, and blending words. Day 2 is word building and writing which is more segmenting, more spelling, and more blending with a focus on writing the words so we’re mapping the sound to the spelling.
We also use our decodable texts in small groups to work on the skills in text.

Reading Comprehension-Farms Research Project
This week we are using our required reading curriculum by reading the book Farm Animals and working on collecting evidence! We supplement with our TKS research project! We are required to do 3 lessons a week so that’s what we do, except this week is 2 lessons because of the short week! We focus on the “learn” section of each lesson and use our research project to scaffold and support student learning!

This week’s lessons are focused on gathering text evidence about animals. We read the story and fill out our text evidence organizer. Then the students choose an animal and draw the animal and write about the animal.
Read It Up: Turkey Trouble

This week we’re reading another favorite November book: Turkey Trouble!
This book tells the story of a turkey who comes up with fun disguises to try to avoid being eaten. We focus on retelling the story using sequence words. And then we come up with ideas for what we would do if we were the turkey!

This year our district is using Illustrative Math as our math curriculum. We will be completing those lessons and supplementing them heavily with our Shapes Bootcamp to supplement! This week we’re using pattern blocks to make pictures, make animals and we’re going to be using ESGI to assess our shape skills.

Veteran’s Day
To learn about Veteran’s Day we read these books and discuss why we honor our veterans. We record our ideas on a circle chart.

Thanksgiving Art Projects
We’re doing some fun turkey art projects this week!
First up, rainbow turkeys! These are simple. Kids cut out a circle for the turkey, and make eyes, and a beak. The feathers are strips of paper that the kids curl and glue onto their turkeys!

We’re also doing this fun turkey! We paint a paper plate brown and the outside is painted in a pattern. Then we add eyes, a beak and a wattle.

Mad Scientist Thursday

And yes, you must dress the part!

Morning Meeting

Greeting-turkey greeting-we use a PowerPoint with a turkey that “runs” away. When the turkey runs away, we greet the student whose picture is revealed!
Activity-find the clothespin. Clip the clothespin on a child. When you see the clothespin you sit down.

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