Do you use class cheers and chants in the classroom?  One thing that I love about my kids is that they really support each other and care for one another. When someone is upset, we comfort them.  When someone meets a learning goal,  we cheer for them.    I firmly believe that we should celebrate our successes, big and small.  For some of us, those small successes are what keep us motivated.  Imagine the student who struggles all year with reading and finally puts the sounds together to read just one word.  That must be celebrated. That must be celebrated.  That is where our class cheers and chants come into play!

Class Cheers And Chants

The first thing I did was create little cheer cards with the name of the cheer and directions.  These cheers are not my original ideas, but whoever thought of them is a genius.
Next, I got a $1 bucket from Dollar Tree (TEACHER HEAVEN!) and attached my little label.
I printed, laminated, and cut apart the cheers and threw them all in the Cheer It Up bucket.
Each morning our Boss Of The Day chooses a cheer, and we use that cheer all day long!
Now…I’m a huge Will And Grace fan (people ask me constantly if I’m Jack from that show…usually I say no…but on occasion..allegedly, I might have signed an autograph or said yes!…ALLEGEDLY!  Surely Sean Hayes won’t mind…) and there is a scene where Jack says to Karen:  “KAREN, MY POM POMS!”  So I think I’m gonna use that line when we cheer.  And yes, I have pom-poms.  Why are any of you surprised?!


 We have also created motivational signs/cards that we use for class cheers.  And ya’ll,  the kids love these.  They laugh and giggle when I use them so I know it’s working to keep them motivated!   Basically, anytime I want to cheer for the class or an individual student, I hold up a sign and read the cheer!  It’s such an easy way to celebrate in our classroom!

To use, simply print, laminate, and tape to a popsicle stick!  Place them in a cup to jar or bucket and when you want to cheer, grab one and yell out the cheer!

Check out our motivational cards below! 

Here is a freebie for you!  Click to download your cheer cards!

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