Week 5 of kindergarten is about ABC BOOTCAMP, continuing Number Bootcamp, and learning about our five senses and families. We’re also working on counting pigs and expecting 12-15 visitors from central office!
Lesson Plans

As always, you can download our weekly lesson plans by clicking on the image!
You can get our lesson plan templates here:

We have a required foundational skills curriculum that we follow, and we supplement it with our TKS BOOTCAMP resource. Our TKS BOOTCAMP curriculum works with ALL curriculums or as a stand-alone resource! This week, we’re continuing ABC BOOTCAMP! Not only are we focused on learning sounds and letters but we’re also getting fine motor practice, working on handwriting, and establishing routines!

ABC BOOTCAMP has always been aligned with the science of reading and has been used in classrooms for 10 years! We focus on a sound/letter a day. Students can bring in objects for the sound to help us make our circle chart. Students share a word, we identify the sound, and I draw the picture. This is key. Drawing the picture is much more effective than using printed pictures because it activates the emotional parts of the brain for kids. DRAW THE PICTURES!
This week is: P, E, B, L

We’re going in the order of our foundational skills curriculum. ABC BOOTCAMP works in any order!
And, maybe, my favorite part of ABC BOOTCAMP is the hats. They’re fun, they’re great for building vocabulary, and they give us daily fine motor practice for 26 days!
This week’s hats: sock, fire, vampire, and zipper. In previous years, we’ve done starfish, frog, vampire and zombies)
(The sock and fire hats are new additions to the hats. Here’s the deal: we’re in the classroom and we’re always researching and learning so our resources are always being revised and improved!)

For each letter, we also do explicit handwriting instruction and work on letter formation.

ABC BOOTCAMP is classroom proven and highly effective with 80% mastery of sounds and letters in 26 days. ABC BOOTCAMP is all-inclusive and has everything you need to bring this resource into your classroom!
This week we’re also going to start some more formal small groups. We will focus on the sound/letter we’re learning each day. We’re using the small group tools included in ABC BOOTCAMP!

Also, this week in our small groups, we will continue using our Game It Up! games for letters and sounds!

Once again, this year, we’re using our required reading curriculum and supplementing heavily with our Read It Up! resources. This week, we’re kicking off our Five Senses Research Project, the first unit of our curriculum.

This week we use the book My Five Senses by Aliki.

This week we’re using a graphic organizer and collecting text evidence. We will look at the pictures and make a chart of everything the boy uses his senses for. At the end of the week, we will write/draw something he sees/hears/tastes/touches/tastes.
We’re also doing more sensory jars to build vocabulary.

Here’s another example of a smell chart:

After we do the charts, students draw things can smell/taste.

Our district has adopted a new math curriculum (AGAIN!), so we’re trying to figure it out because it’s a lot, and it’s not aligned to our state standards, so there’s that. We’re using the curriculum and supplementing it with our MATH IT UP! resources and Number Bootcamp!
Number Bootcamp is 20 days of number recognition, one-to-one correspondence, and math vocabulary!

This week is #11-14

Number Bootcamp was updated this summer so it’s aligned to the latest science of math research and the fonts and design have been updated! This is what it looks like now:

This week, our focus is on counting. This week we’re going to count pigs!

We read the book Ten Pigs In The Bath and then we count pigs into the bathtub!

We also use this in small groups to target students who need extra support!

Families Research Project
This week we’re using our social studies block (ya’ll! My new school has a legit 45-minute science/social studies block!!!) to learn about our families. This unit is a MUST in all classrooms so we get to know our students and families and create a safe, inclusive, and welcoming space for ALL students and ALL families.

We use read-alouds and class discussions for our research. We record our learning on graphic organizers. This week we will graph if we have a pet and draw a picture of our house!

We will also do our fingerprints for a fun and easy activity!

Mad Science Thursday

This week for Mad Science Thursday we are doing dancing colors!


Click below for the resources we are using in our classroom this week.

For more information, check out these posts: