It’s GROUNDHOG DAY! We’re celebrating our beloved little whistle pig with science, writing, a groundhog craft, kindergarten Groundhog Day activities, snacks, and more!
Kindergarten Groundhog Day Activities: Science Lessons
We read the book Groundhog Gets A Say because it’s a fun story packed full of information and facts.

We also do a labeling activity to build explicit vocabulary instruction and discuss how groundhogs are adapted to their habitats.

Kindergarten Groundhog Day Activities: Shadows
Shadow or no shadow? We made our shadow coins and predicted who would win. We flipped the coin, graphed our results, and analyzed our data to determine the winner! The coins are included in our Read It Up resource.

Another fun shadow idea is to make shadows or silhouettes of your students! You can add names or for fun, leave the names off so we can try to figure out who the shadows belong to!

Groundhog Day Activities: Predicting Shadow Or No Shadow
Will he or won’t we? We made this prediction the day before Groundhog Day. Then, we watched a clip of Phil to see if our prediction was correct! (On February 2, you can just Google Punxsutawney Phil and find a link to a news video to watch!)

Groundhog Day Activities: Writing
A fun writing activity for groundhog day is to have students think about what animal they would be if they could be an animal. They can write and draw about what animal they would be and why they chose that animal!

Kindergarten Groundhog Day Activities: Groundhog Snack
Of course, we had our snack! We used a large brownie for the burrow, green icing for the grass, and a Teddy Graham for the groundhog! Also note that we put a fun groundhog day picture on our smartboard for fun!

Groundhog Day Activities: Groundhog Day Craft
We also make a fun and easy groundhog craft! You can attach this to a sentence strip or paper strip to make a groundhog day hat!

Everything you need to make celebrating Groundhog Day easy and fun is in our Read It Up! resource!

Groundhog Day FREEBIE!

For more ideas and resources, check out these blog posts: