A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Schedulin Sunday: Fables & Measuring by Size and Weight

It’s BAAAAACK!  Schedulin Sunday returns from a two week spring break.  It was a great two weeks…but honestly, I’m ready to get back to my ‘staches and rock our last 9 weeks together!!

Don’t forget…a whole bunch of people are having spring cleaning sales on TPT!  Me included!  20% off all of my common core creations!

So, who’s ready to see what’s planned for our week?!?!

This week we are learning about fables, measuring by size and weight and talking about what happens in spring!
As always, you can grab a copy of my Common Core lesson plans by clicking the picture!
These are the five fables we will read this week.  I think each one teaches a great lesson that my ‘staches can benefit from!!  Here’s hoping….
After reading each story, we will complete our fable comparison chart.  We will identify the characters, setting, plot and the moral of the story.
After we read our first fable, we will create a fables anchor chart to refer to all week.  We will add to the chart as we learn more about fables throughout the week.  (I AM SUPER EXCITED BECAUSE I GET TO USE MY NEW SCENTOS MARKERS!!!!!!!)
We will make a circle map for Y words.  We will learn 4 new sight words (read it, spell it, segment it, use it in a sentence!), we will practice blending words and we will read our poem and emergent reader!
When I saw this poem, I just thought it was perfect for spring!  And really, aren’t we all glad that the horrible winter is over?!  (Click the picture to download a copy!
Click here to get your free emergent reader!
For each fable, I found a cute little art project on Pinterest!  Each day we will read a fable and complete the art project!
For these projects, I am going to give the ‘staches materials and guidance and let them go to town!  For the turtles, we will be using square pieces of tissue paper!
This week in math, we will be learning about measuring things by size and weight!
We start off by ordering from smallest to biggest and biggest to smallest.  We will use a collection of classroom materials and sort them by size.  After we sort by size, we will do some independent practice with ants!  Yes…ants…see how that ties into fables week?!  BAM!  Brilliance!
Click the picture to get your free ordering ants by size page!
We will also order ourselves by size!  First, we will take a few minutes to make our face!  Who doesn’t love kindergarten self portraits?!  Then we will measure our friends using yarn.  Once we are all measured and have our yarn, we will order ourselves from smallest to biggest.  We will attach our yarn and self portrait to the wall!
We’re also measuring by weight!  We will predict which of two objects will be heavier and then we will use a balance to find out which is heavier.  We will record predictions and answers on our recording sheet!
Click for your free sheet!
We will also predict or estimate how many cubes our objects weigh.  We will record our estimate and then we will add cubes to our balance to see how many it takes!
(click to download!  This is in the same download as the other sheet!)
We will also do a little art project to assess our learning!  We will make a picture of a balance.  One side will be up and one side down.  We will find two pictures in a magazine and glue them onto our balance!  We must glue the objects on the right side of the balance!
Here’s a free assessment for sorting by long/short and heavy/light!
click on either picture to download!
We are also kicking off our addition and subtraction fluency tests!  We’re starting off with 5 minutes for 25 problems.  This week is all addition.  We will track our progress each day!
Of course, we need a little science…and since Easter is coming up, why not some candy science?
My friend Marie over at The Hands On Teacher In First has this amazing Chocolate Science creation.  OMG!  This week we are using the candy sink and float activity!!!  SO EXCITED!!!!  Thanks for this awesome creation Marie!!

For Foodie Fun Friday we are making turtles!  But not the chocolate turtle!  APPLE TURTLES!  Why not?  Turtles…tortoise and the hare…it all ties in folks!!!  Integration!
How cute?!  I found these on Pinterest from Laugh With Us Blog!  BRILLIANT!  Apples, marshmallows and grapes!!!!

Of course we will also be rocking in our centers this week!  We will be using centers from these creations:
AND I JUST FINISHED THIS!!  I am super excited to start plants with the ‘staches soon!
120 pages of research goodness…labeling…KWL…thinking maps…writing…seed observation journal…art project…9 math and literacy centers…and it’s on sale for $4.50 for a few hours….but who wants to win it??
Just leave a comment with your favorite activity for plants or fables and I’ll choose a winner tomorrow!!!  (Feel free to Pin and share it too!!)

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