Counting To 100 And Sheep In A Jeep: Schedulin’ Sunday

schedulin sunday arctic animals

Happy  Schedulin’ Sunday!    This week is all about counting to 100 and ee words or Sheep In A Jeep in our class!

Counting To 100 And Sheep In A Jeep Lesson Plans

counting to 100 lesson plans

As always you can click on the image to download my weekly lesson plans about Sheep In  A Jeep and Counting To 100


plants         Earth Day

We will be using my Plantin Seeds plant research project to learn about plants.  The second week of our plant unit focuses on the plant life cycle, plants we can eat and living and non-living things!

We will review our schema map and add new learning and discuss any misconceptions!

plants schema map

We will do a living/non living sort and make the life cycle of a plant!

plant life cycle

Of course we read one of my all time favorite books Tops And Bottoms!  We do a tops and bottoms sort and eat a tops and bottoms salad!

tops and bottoms

Click on the image of the sort to get your FREE tops and bottoms sort!

And we paint carrots with our feet!

For more plant ideas including art projects and freebies, check out these posts:

Schedulin’ Sunday Plants

Schedulin’ Sunday More Plants

Plant Books


   plant books for kids     

Sheep In A Jeep

This is one of my all time favorite lessons.  I get to dress up.  We involve my Jeep Wrangler.  It’s fun.  And silly.  It’s highly engaging!

Read the book Sheep In A Jeep and introduce “ee” words!

sheep in a jeep

Day two we make a Sheep In A Jeep anchor chart!

ee words anchor chart

Also supplement the reading fun with my Read It Up! Sheep In A Jeep creation:

Draw a Jeep on your paper.  Print the ee word sheeps.  Students choose a sheep, read the word and “put the sheep in the Jeep!”

Day 3 is THE DAY.  This is the day that we put THE SHEEP IN Mr. GREG’S JEEP!

For the sheep we use white balloons with ee words written on the balloons.  The students pick a sheep, read the word and put the sheep in my jeep!

sheep in a jeep

Finally, we do an assessment!  Students make a JEEP and write EE words in the Jeep!

Sheep In A Jeep FREEBIE!

ee words

Math-Counting to 100

In math, we will be reviewing counting to 100 and numbers to 100!  All of my class count count to 100 by 1s, 5s and 10s so we’re just using this short week to review and solidify this skill.  We’re going to build a giant 100 chart, stack 100 cups and write to 100!

Our giant 100 chart is a great whole group lesson that gets everyone engaged and helps us with our teamwork!

counting to 100

To see more about this giant 100 chart and get your FREE 100 chart (or 120 chart) click on the image!

We will also be using our 100 cups to stack our way to 100!  These cups have been a math center for a few months and they’re a daily hit so why not make them a whole group activity and see if we can get to 100 without knocking over the cups!?

numbers to 100

Click the image to see the post on how we made our 100 cups and get your FREE 1-100 labels!

counting to 100

HEre’s a more challenging counting to 100 game!  Students first ESTIMATE how many times they will roll the dice to get to 100.  Then they roll and make tally marks to count how many rolls it takes them to get to 100!  Click the image for your freebie!

Plant Freebies



kindergarten lesson plans


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