Ten Frames And Human Body: Schedulin’ Sunday

kindergarten lesson plans

This week we’re learning about our human body! Plus working on numbers and counting to 10 with ten frames and Number Bootcamp.  And we’re talking about behavior with Miss Nelson Is Missing and sharing our hopes and dreams!     Click the image to download my lesson plans!

ten frames lesson plans

 This week we continue our ABC BOOTCAMP and NUMBER BOOTCAMP!   This week is letters M-Q and numbers 10-14

  Circle maps!  Hats!  Handwriting!

abc bootcamp  number bootcamp



Write names on black construction paper using a white crayon.  Model how to tear pieces of paper and glue on the letters to create a pattern!

And yes, we’re continuing our human body research project!  The first week was a blast as we learned about brain, our heart and our skeleton!  

We will be using our Human Body research project to learn about how our bodies work!

five senses kindergarten

human body research project 

This week we’re learning about our stomach and lungs!   And we’re wrapping up our human body research project with a body labeling project!   We’re going to draw a giant body and cut out the organs and place them on the body!  The students will label their own pictures!

We are reading these books this week:

Foodie Fun Friday

 This week’s Foodie Fun Friday will be about the human body!  I ordered these fun Jello molds on Amazon so we’ll be having brains and hearts for a snack!

Human Body Freebies!

kindergarten human body lessons

Math-Ten Frames, Numbers And Number Bootcamp!

In math, we are using ten frames to practice number recognition and counting!  We continue Number Bootcamp 10-14.  This week we’re going to work on counting to 10 and then we’re going to up our game a bit and work on counting to 20!  These simple lessons will use ten frames and counters to really focus on one to one correspondence and number recognition!

ten frames

For more ten frames ideas and activities and freebies, check out these posts:

ten frames

Also this week we’re continuing our focus on behavior and community!   We’re reading Miss Nelson Is Missing and comparing Miss Swamp and Mr. Greg!  True story.  In the past, we’ve compared Miss Nelson And Miss Swamp but this year I thought we would change it up a bit!  I can’t wait to see the comparisons!

miss nelson is missing kindergarten

For more Miss Nelson Is Missing fun, check out this post!

Finally, we are sharing our hopes and dreams for kindergarten!  I read the book Big Plans and tell the kids that I have big plans for them in kindergarten and ask what they want to learn.  These are their big plans!   We create a circle map of our big plans and Mr. Greg uses these ideas to plan his lessons for the year!  (The book Big Plans is no longer in print but you can find me reading the book on YouTube!  Check it out here!)

kindergarten hopes and dreams

These are the creations we are using in our classroom this week!


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