Monday Made It…Classroom DIY…Manic Monday Freebies!

Happy Monday!  I start my summer job at a daycare today!  It’s a pretty easy summer job and I get to spend the summer with kids from my school, including one of my favorite students!  And there is a wedding to pay for!

I am covering lots of bases in today’s blog!  First and foremost, a  FREEBIE!  Last week, I attended a GREAT math workshop where I learned a great number activity for kindergarteners!  It was so simple and so fun, that I knew it would become a staple in my classroom this year.  It’s called Flippin’ Numbers.  It works a little like the game of memory!  Each child gets a set of number cards (0-9) and place them face up.  The first was this activity is great is because they have to put the numbers in order.  Of course, early in the year, putting the numbers in order might be too much, so they could just turn them face up and work on number identification.   Look, you’ve already met a standard!  Once the numbers in order you call out a number and they find that number and hold it up.  Look, you’ve met another standard and you’re assessing!!  You could also use a random number CD that calls out random numbers set to music!  (I found my CD at this site:  Creative Mathematics).  I think the kids will like hearing numbers set to music instead of my boring voice all the time!  The next level of differentiation is having the kids put the number cards in order and turn the cards face down!  Now you’re really pushing them!  We played the game in the workshop and it was a lot of fun.  I created 3 sets of number cards for this game and am attaching them as a freebie.

For Monday Made It, I made some new tools for my classroom!  I was so excited to make these that I didn’t take pictures of step by step.  I’m sorry…i’m new to the blog world so I’ll have to remember this next time!

The first item is a math folder.  I know it looks simple and basic, but that’s the beauty of it.  Once the students learn to make the folder, they can make them on their own if they need a replacement.  Of course, I would laminate these folders for durability.

two pieces if 12×18 construction paper in two colors

1.  Fold one color of construction paper on the vertical (or long) fold.
2.  Slide the other piece of construction paper into the folded piece.  (This is a great opportunity to talk about half/whole, equal parts, part/part whole…look at those standards you’re hitting!!!)
3.  Fold both pieces on the horizontal or short fold.   Look, it’s a folder!
4.  Staple the pockets!
5.  Label the pockets:

The second Monday Made It is a mirror!  I have always wanted to use mirrors in my classroom but I’m scared of them getting broken and someone getting hurt so I’ve never had them.  Now I can!!  You should have heard the gasps of excitement when we learned that we could make these!  Teachers are so excitable!  I love it!  These can be used in math, for forming sounds and much more!  Plus, they’re super fun!  How would you use these?  Leave me a comment and share your ideas!

reflective Mylar (you can actually get this in the wrapping paper section of the Dollar Tree!!)
poster board
spray adhesive

1.  Cover your poster board with spray adhesive.  (It will stay tacky!)
2.  Hold your Mylar in the shape of a U.
3.  Place your Mylar U in the middle of  your poster board and and spread it from the middle to the edges.
4.  Cut apart into mirrors that won’t break!  GENIUS, I KNOW!

1 piece of poster board makes 49 3 inch mirrors.

I hope you enjoy these as much as I did!!!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

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