I am laying on the couch after a long day of putting the finishing touches on my classroom!!  YAY!  It’s finally finished.  All that is left are name tags and name labels which I will do when we get our rosters on Friday.  Today we heard a “rumor” that our principal is going to change our breakfast routine and have all kids eat breakfast in our classrooms?!?!?!?!?!?!?!  I won’t share what I said but I am just curious if anyone does this/has done this and if you would share your thoughts and or experiences.

Now it’s all about me time!!!  I am joining up Step Into 2nd Grade for her Tell Me More linky party!  Here goes nothing.

1.  I am a guy.  This makes me pretty unique in teacher blog land.  And in teaching in general.  Especially in Kindergarten teaching land.  I can’t remember the last time I was at a kindergarten only event and wasn’t the only male in the room.  It can sometimes be lonely, but 99% of the time, I like the celebrity of it.  When people hear that I teach Kindergarten, I always get the same response:  “AWE!”  And that drives the fiance’ crazy in a fun way!

2.  I am getting married in October.  The wedding is planned so it’s a stress free 2 months until the big day.  I could not be more excited!!

3.  I am the world’s pickiest eater.  Spaghetti, pizza, hamburgers and cheeseburgers (with ketchup only), and chicken tenders pretty much sums up my menus.  Of course, there are a few others, but not much.   If it’s green, It don’t belong in my mouth.  And if my food touches I won’t eat it.  This drives the fiance’ bonkers.

4.  I spent two summers teaching in Ecuador.  My university, Indiana University (GO HOOSIERS!), offered a class so I thought I’d take class and get a “vacation” to South America.  The trip turned out to  be so much more than a vacation.  It was truly life changing.  I learned so much about myself, about teaching and about being in the minority and I also learned to eat cuy.  What is cuy?  The picture tells you all you need to know.  The people of Ecuador were amazing and I got to see some incredible sights (the Equator, amazing churches, the rainforest, and  I may or may not have used the restroom in 50 mph winds at the furthest point from the center of the Earth on Mt. Chimbarazzo).  My 2nd year in Ecuador I completed a research project for the university and even flew on to Bogota, Colombia for a 72 hour visit.  72 hours was supposed to be a week long visit, but the State Department doesn’t issue those travel warnings for nothing.  Really, you should listen to those warnings.  This picture was taken at a lake that formed in the crater of an active volcano.  You could actually see the nitrogen gas bubbles in the water.  So what did I do?!  I took a boat out onto the lake!  DUH!

5.  I spent a summer volunteering at an orphanage in Peru.  The highlight of my time in Peru was visiting Macchu Pichu.  It was one of the most incredible tihngs I’ve ever seen.  The picture on the right was taken on my hike to the top of the mountain you see in the background in the left picture.  To get to the top, you have to use the original Inca trail.  Um, they didn’t have handrails and they didn’t have safety codes, so it was a treacherous trip.  But so worth it.

6.  I was in the room when my nephew was born.  When my sister told me she was pregnant, the first thing I asked was if I could be in the room.  She said yes.  It was one of the most miraculous things I have ever seen.  The doctor asked me if I wanted to watch and I said NO!!  She actually said, yes you do, now get down here.  I am still in awe of the power of watching a life enter this world.  And within the next year my sister will be our surrogate!  The fiance’ and I want a baby so bad and my sister offered to be our surrogate!  The niece and nephew!

7. We have the worlds most spoiled dog.  We might be a tad obsessed with Butters, our 2 year old goldendoodle.  He is our baby.  He was my birthday present 2 years ago.  We lost our other dog, Chloe, about a year ago and we took the love we had for her and put it all into Butters.  After Chloe, we didn’t want to be in the house so we would come home from work and get Butters and put him in the car and leave.  He spent two weeks going everywhere with us.  He would sit in the car and wait on us. Now he thinks he must go everytime we leave.  He also has human eyes.  Seriously, his eyes are so expressive it’s crazy.  He can give you some cutting looks when he is mad.  He also burps ALOT!  And not little burps, but big, loud belches.  Weird dog.

8.  My favorite color is pink.  It’s true.  I’m a guy who likes pink.  And I’m ok with it.  I am secure enough in my masculinity to own it!  It’s such a bright, happy, cheerful color.  It fits my happy, cheerful, bright personality!!

That’s me!  Maybe some of the mystery about me is now gone…and hopefully no one got scared away!

I am also linking up with Life Is Sweet In Kindergarten for her linky party on the top 5 teacher must haves!  JUST 5?!?!  Ok…

1.  My number one item are my Mr. Sketch markers!  I cannot teach without them.  OK, I could, but why should I have to?!  I use them for everything.  And I admit to smelling them a little too much.
2.  Books!!  You can never have too many books.  A happy classroom is one that if overflowing with books.  My current count of my library is….10,000 and counting.  In fact, I have a rider on my insurance to insure my books!  

3.  GLITTER!  So much glitter!  Glitter makes everything more fun!  
4.  You know, the body fluids that make it onto our hands mean my hands are constantly being sanitized.  My immune system thanks me daily.

5.  Is it a bad sign that the wonderful ladies at Sonic know my schedule?!  I stop at Sonic every morning on my way to work for a Route 44 Coke Zero with light ice!  If I am later than usual, they always worry.  And they even let me keep my coupons to use more than once!  Hey Sonic, if you’re out there, how about a hookup for some free Route 44 drinks?!?!  

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