School Memories and Favorite Books!

Day 2 in my classroom was very successful!  I finished my library and made my palm tree.  I organized my stickers and supplies.  I even hung my HUGE clip chart.  I didn’t realize just how big it was until I laminated and hung it up today.  Oops.    And now I need some creative assistance.  I have two odd sized bulletin boards in my library and  have no idea what to use them for.  I am very open to suggestions or ideas.  Here are some pictures from my classroom on day 2.

I am linking up with Simply Kindergarten to share some school memories.  I have some good ones!

I attended a half day kindergarten and it was during this time that I got my first kiss from Shelly Sullivan behind the cubbies.  I also got a carton of milk thrown in my face by one, Andy Fisher.  We are sitting at snack and this dude opens his milk, flings it in my face (in a very Real Housewives of OC or NJ fashion) for NO reason.  And would you believe that I ran into him maybe 5 years ago at our county fair and he had no recollection of said event.  Needless to say, I reminded him of all of the gory details.
In first grade I had two more traumatic happenings.  The first was minor compared to the second.   We had a large class with 2 teachers.  During the day they would set up room dividers and each teacher taught half the class.  One day, the teacher on the wrong side of the room breezed by the divider and it came crashing down on my head.  True story.  Smacked me right in the head.  I sat stunned for a few minutes before crying like a baby.
And now for the most gruesome, traumatic elementary school memory. EVER.  Picture it.  Bradie Shrum Elementary School.  1984.  The day before school pictures.  We are on the playground having a grand time. Our elementary school has a large, paved playground and a large paved basketball court.  I was running down the basketball court and noticed one Carrie Chastain was running toward me.  Once I realized we were running toward each other, my first grade brain kicked in and said I better move over.  Apparently at the very same time, Carrie’s first grade brain told her the same thing.  We moved and ran, moved and ran.  Never once did our first grade brains tell us to stop running.  Oh no, about this time my first grade brain told me we were going to run into each other and it was going to hurt.  So, naturally what is a boy to do??  Start crying.  That’s right.  Before any collision or injury, I am crying.  And still running toward Carrie.  And finally the moment of impact.  We collide and down I go (that’s right, Carrie stays upright).  Folks, this isn’t just a fall down go boom story.  No no.  I fell down and landed on my face.  As I did this, momentum was till propelling me forward.  The result:  imagine a skinned knee.  Got that image?  Now, transfer that to my face.  Right side, forehead down to my chin.  And, wait for it, inside of my lip.  Yeah, the pavement caught my lip and drug it down so that the inside was getting some road rash.  And Carrie? She’s still running.  To hide.  The entire playground assembles around me and I am escorted to the classroom by a student where my teacher kinda sorta freaks out over my appearance and immediately takes me to the nurse.  This is where it gets even better and you get to meet Momma Smedley!  We enter the nurses station and she says I will have to wait my turn.  Does everyone remember how I just skinned the right side of my face off?!  OK, so I have to sit down and wait my turn.  The nurse tells me to sit down and proceeds to stick a DRY brown paper towel to the right side of my face.  You know the towels we all have in our rooms.  The dry, scratchy ones.  Now one of those is stuck to my face.  When it is finally my turn, she peels the towel and cleans me up.  Uh-huh, peels it off of my mangled and gooey face.  She then calls my mom at work and tells her I can stay at school because it’s a tiny scratch.  Um, tiny scratch?  My lip is so swollen I can see it sticking out.  I return to class where I suffer until the bus comes.  As I step off the bus, there is Momma Smedley waiting to see the tiny scratch on her baby’s face.  I still remember the look on her face when she saw me.  In the car we go and back to the school I go.  Momma Smedley sure did let that nurse have it.  So much that principal came from the office and when he saw me and heard how the nurse described the missing right side of my face as a tiny scratch, he suspended said nurse.  And the school paid for my medical bills!  And I missed picture day.  I would share a picture with you but there are none because I refused to allow anyone to photograph me until I was healed.
And I am also linking up with the Teacher Wife for my favorite picture books!

                                             The Teacher Wife

This is how I learned to read!!  Than you Curious George for giving me such a love of books and reading.  And for being so dang fun.  I actually have one of the original stuffed Curious George dolls!!  

I love this book because it shows how important being unique is.  I am a very special and unique individual (if you hand’t noticed) and I want to instill that in my kinders.  It can be so hard to be different and stand out, but this book teaches that it’s OK to be different and if we were all the same, the world wouldn’t be as colorful!  Great for addressing bullying at the beginning of the year.  There is also a poem version that is great for fluency building!

If you haven’t read this book, run to Barnes and Noble and get it.  NOW!  This is so much fun to read.  The best part about this book is that really lends itself to debate, persusasion and lots of higher order skills.  It’s also hilarious to hear 5 year olds debating whether it’s a cow or chicken and how the cow laid the egg.  This book is also great for writing and graphing.  I get a sense that someone might be creating a unit….hmmm

This is just one of my favorites because it’s fun.  It’s a good read for compound words, but it’s also fun to just read it and enjoy the illustrations.  Check out the art project we did to go with the story by clicking here!

No words need to be spoken about this book and the author.  Pure magic.

I love Miss Nelson simply because she teaches at the Horace B. Smedley school!  
And finally I got some great suggestions for my new button, so I made some changes and updates!  Here is my newest blog button update!

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