The Saturday Kindergarten Post: The Letter M

Can I just say I love my body??  Yesterday I had that cold feeling in my fingers and toes that means I am getting sick.  And by last night my throat HURT so bad.  I think I drank 6 gallons of Coke and Pepsi and Orange crush.  I told ya, I love my drinks and the cold felt so good on my throat.  I woke up this morning and feel 100%!  My immune system is amazing.  We have this very special bond.  I like him and he likes me.

It’s time for my regular Saturday round-up of our weekly projects, lessons, success and chaotic but organized fun!  I asked on my blog if anyone could suggest a great name for my regular Saturday round up and there were a lot of great suggestions, but I like the one I picked.  Inspired by The Saturday Evening Post….this is The Saturday Kindergarten Post!  Thank you Rhea for the idea!  Check out her blog over at Mrs. Zanti’s Pre-K Pad!  And I created by own little button/graphic today.  Thoughts?  I was trying for the newspaper look…maybe someone with much more talent than me can make it look better!

The biggest happening this week was that we got a new teacher!!  My class size is down to 17!  OMG can I just tell you that Thursday and Friday were spectacular!  My room seems empty and we’re not all  over each other.  My line no longer stretches the length of the green mile and it’s so much more quiet.  I felt like we accomplished more Thursday and Friday than we have all year.  I even did some small group work Thursday and Friday!  These kids better hang on, because we’re about to rock the Kindergarten world!

This week we started with our letter and sounds.  This week is M so a lot of our activities are focused on the letter M.  We made M with marshmallows, we did picture sorts, and we learned how to write the letter M!  We read If You Give A Moose A Muffin and made muffin hats and we did a moose craftivity.  We created a flow map (Thinking Maps!) of the story and we did a predictable chart about what we would give a moose!  In math we counted muffins and made our own touch math posters using beans!

We’re continuing to build our sense of community and family!  We’ve been focusing a lot on the Olympics so we made our own Olympic athletes!  So cute!  

On Friday, we mixed up a batch of muffins and cooked them in our toaster oven.  They were so simple and so good!  I was surprised because I didn’t think they would be good! 

Smart Board handwriting!  Best idea I’ve had in a long time!  

We made a marshmallow toe craftivity to remind us to have our marshmallow toes when we’re walking in the hall.  This is one of my biggie issues.  Especially in the stairs!  I do not want to hear stomping feet!  

Look, it’s a Greg Moose!  
Touch Math posters!  I thought I had better pictures of these.  I will get some Monday and share!  This was a fun activity to work on number recognition, counting and number formation.  And who doesn’t love gluing beans on stuff?
Here are the posters for anyone who wants them!  Click for your freebie!
I have been working on a monster truck themed ABC pack.  I was curious as to how the kids would respond.  My friend who has some serious ADHD was riveted.  He didn’t move for 45 minutes  after I gave them cards!  Every time he matched two letters he would yell out “Mr. Greg, I found a mismatch!”  Now that I know the kids will love it, I will have this pack finished this week!  
Will you use any of these ideas?  Do you already do any of these ideas?  Do you have suggestions on making them better?

A few weeks ago I saw something somewhere that said Reddit was doing a school supply drive for teachers.  I checked it out and signed up.  Today, I received this box in the mail!  How awesome is this?  I am so thankful for every thing that people contribute to my class!  People just do not understand the impact every item and dollar has.  Especially in our school where we have 0 dollars.  Thank you Reddit!

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