The Saturday Kindergarten Post: The Letter “S”

It’s time for that all exciting weekly wrap up of all things educational!  It was a short week (thankfully!) full of fun, tears, screaming, and lots of learning!

The tears and screaming were from me….OK not really…but there are times when I want to scream and cry.  We all have those moments, right?!  The crying was from my special ELL friend who was separated from her sister and integrated into our classroom.  The screaming and crying lasted about 2 minutes and then she settled in and took over!  This was a huge accomplishment and everyone in my building should bow down to me and our amazing ELL instructor!

And now onto the show!

This week we celebrated the letter S!  We made S hats with a super popular space theme!   We also read Mister Seahorse by Eric Carle and created our own Mister Seahorses using tissue paper squares and a glue and water mixture.  My students were fascinated by the fact that the daddy fish took care of the eggs and babies in the story.  I bet some mommmies out there would feel that same way!  And the sparkly finale to our letter S week was making S out of sequins.  S is for sequins!  Sequins are a very close cousin to my all time favorite product:  GLITTER!  Just wait until G for glitter week!
This week we also settled into a center routine that allowed me to see all of my students in small groups!  I even got my high group started reading leveled readers.  I was so excited to see how they took right to pointing and reading!!!!  WOOHOO!

I also started some of my kids on a new center.  It’s an all time favorite!  Write the Room!  They love it and so do I.  Eventually I will transition them to their Write Room Book which is available here!  Check out the writing on the bottom picture.  Favorite?  No, I don’t have those.  She is a great student though.  I had her brother my first year in Kindergarten so I just love the family!
Notice how happy my special ELL friend is and how she has become a part of our family.  HIGHLIGHT OF MY YEAR SO FAR!!  And my students have taken her under their wing and have surrounded her with love and protection like no one else could.  My little monsters truly are fireworks who are letting their colors burst!
This week was our community helper week!  Can you believe I didn’t take pictures our super cute community helper craftivity?!?!  UGH.  That’s what four day weeks do to you.  We had a great week of learning about jobs people do and people in our community who help us.  I was happy to see the circle map had  a lot of variety!  Normally it says Wal Mart worker, McDonald’s Worker and Burger King Worker.  Not that there is anything wrong with that at all, but I want my little monsters to know that they can be anything they want to.  ANYTHING!
My favorite jobs of the week:
“I want to be a ninja when I grow up!”  
“I want to be a pirate when I grow up”
You work hard, graduate, acquire a massive college debt and you can absolutely be a ninja and a pirate.  Go for your dreams!!!!
One to one counting.  One word:  FRUSTRATING.  End of discussion.

Baby, you’re a kindergarten firework!!  Our closing song is Firework by Katy Perry.  I want my students to shine and show the world that they are beautiful and successful.  I want our colors to burst and light up the sky.  I think it’s so important for our students to know they are amazing and successful human beings who should never let anyone or anything stand in their way.  I would put my students from the poorest school in the most dangerous inner city neighborhood in our city up against any kindergartners anywhere.  That is how amazing my kids are.  We celebrated our firework-ness this week by making fireworks.  Pipe cleaner and some paint and you get a great reminder of just how awesome we are!!!  
This week we also used bubbles to practice self control which was hilarious watching the kids struggle to not pop the bubbles!  We played on the iPad.  We had a birthday cupcake for a friend and our reading dog, Bear came to visit!   Another week of learning, friendship, milestones and love!  
And now week is complete without getting your hair did by 5 year olds!  Beuatician is one of the jobs we want to do when we grow up, so why not practice on Mr. Greg!

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