As I am typing this we’re watching Halloween on TV and I realized I 6 page views away from 60,000 views of my little bitty blog! That’s so exciting!! Thank you all so much for reading my thoughts and sharing my journey as a male kindergarten teacher! I bet by the time you read this it will have happened and I will be on my way to 75,000!
Today was a terrific Tuesday! My kids were good. We got a lot accomplished The weather was great. My first Vespa ride to work was a success! Still no name for the Vespa yet, although there have been some good ones! Keep ’em coming! And it was silly sock day! So I wore my crab socks. Crabs!
I know I normally do Technology Tuesday but I didn’t have a tech post or idea so I wanted to share a quick math intervention that I do with my students who need some extra help with number recognition. I still have three friends who do not know their numbers so we do this every day for 3 or 4 minutes.