
The Saturday Kindergarten Post: The Letter “F”

Oh Saturday!  How I love you!  I love sleeping in.  I love being in my pajamas at noon!  I love lying in bed in the morning smelling the cinnamon rolls the Mr. is cooking (usually pancakes or waffles, but we’re out of syrup.  ANGRY ARMS!)  And it’s a beautiful day here in Music City!  We should go for a hike…should…could…probably won’t….

Well, it’s Saturday so it’s time for your weekly roundup of the hilarity that ensued at Monster’s Inc!  (I know you’ve been waiting on the edge of your rolly teacher chair for this!)  And let me just say…they lived up to their title this week.  Holy wild children, Batman!  Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, but not in the middle of the week.  I suggest that schedule parent conferences for the day after Halloween.  No kids.  Or better yet, make those two days an official holiday for teachers.  The government wants to be all up in our teaching business anyway, so they could at least do this for us.  RIIIIGHT!

Of course, the highlight of the week (and the cause of all of our headaches, sore throats (no…we don’t yell! Or scream!) was our not a party, Halloween party.  Since we were told “no parties” we enjoyed some light refreshments.  Light refreshments is all relative.

That would be his smile!  With chocolate cupcake.  I found these super fun glasses at Party City and had to buy them for the monsters.  They laughed and laughed at these things.  

This is the first picture of my ELL friend that shows her smiling!!!  

Spider hats!!!  How cute are these!  Thanks Sweet Tea Classroom for the spider hat pack!  
This is how we party in Mr. Greg’s class.  16 students.  6 of them brought cupcakes.  6×18=a lot of cupcakes.  We had cupcakes Wednesday, Thursday and Friday!  Mr. Greg’s muffin top has returned in full force and my monsters probably still haven’t experienced their sugar crash!  I told you…LIGHT REFRESHMENTS!  Side bar….our principal’s boss was in the building on Halloween and actually questioned the principal about why we weren’t having Halloween parties!  The principal said we had school to do and the boss told her we should be having parties.  (And no I wasn’t listening as I snooped walked down the hallway behind them!)

Haunted measurings!  I created this fun little activity for us to get some exposure to measurement.  We chatted about starting at the end and making sure all of our pieces touched.  We also talked about how important it was to label our measurements.  The kids loved measuring these Halloween pictures and then eating their candy corn!  Be on the look out for some more of these great measurement activities!  

Our Day Of The Dead masks that we made in cart class.  This monster is one of my most creative little artists!  She has beautiful handwriting.  She draws and paints and colors with such precision.  She is almost a perfectionist…like me…but probably not as bad!

  Look at the concentration in her face!  
This week we worked on writing our numbers 6-10 and we kicked off our fun by using Q-tips to paint the numbers.  Hello fun!  The kids had such a blast with this activity!  Next year I plan to do this as part of my Chicka Chicka Boom Boom fun at the beginning of the year using letters!  PIN THAT!

Whishle is thinking very hard about what her grow capsule might grow into.  She finally got her answer 24 hours later when the $1 grow capsules FINALLY grew.  Seriously, Target?!  24 hours????  Sad.

This week we did not focus on the letter F and the sound of F.  And since we didn’t focus on that letter and sound, we had to make our silly hats and our fun phonics watches!  And you know no week is ever complete without Mr. Greg and his silly hat!  Don’t worry, I will come up with something for all those long, boring, uneventful breaks that us teachers have coming up!  I won’t let you down in the hat department!   Oh, I have such a crush admiration on Annie Moffat and her awesome creations!  Go say high to The Moffat Girls!

We had  lots of fun making our Halloween craftivities!  Our poor witch has fat legs!  She has thunder thighs like Mr. Greg!  I pity her because I know how much my thunder thighs rub together and cause minor earthquakes…poor poor witch.
We also practiced counting from 6-15 using candy corn.  Again, sugar!  Muffin top.  I just admitted defeat and kept feeding them sugar.  At least they would stay hyped up and going and not crash.  If you can’t ’em, join ’em!  Next year, I am going to eat my own weight in sugar the week of Halloween and give the kids a taste of their own medicine!  Look out!
We also kicked off our election study this week!  The kids ahve been so excited getting to vote for their favorite books and choosing between dogs and cats!  In our classroom we voted for dogs!  WAY TO GO DOGS!  I mean…it was a fair election.  No sides were chosen by the dog loving fair and impartial teacher.
We told the story of the numbers 6-10 using the two presidential candidates.  The kids LOVED counting how many Mr. Obama’s and Mr. Romney’s we used!  If you want this super fun election activity for next week, check it out here!
We started off disucssing choices and how an election is a choice each person makes when they vote. We did a spin and tally activity and then we turned our tally marks into a graph.  We then talked about data and counting votes and why it’s important that we learn to count correctly (in case we become vote counters.  Florida, we’re looking at you!)

Look at that dedication to being an accurate vote counter!
Here is our election results board so far!  Monday is the big day!  We will be voting for President!  I can’t wait to announce the winner!

We read “Go Away Big Green Monster” and made our own monsters.  I was so impressed with how my monsters made their monsters.  They turned out so well!  
PS  Here is Mr. Greg’s TIP OF THE YEAR:  Do not, I repeat, DO NOT do painting activities on picture day.  This has been a public service announcement courtesy of Mr. Greg.
And don’t schedule picture day the day after Halloween.  Thanks.
And finally we tried out an idea that was given to me by my blog bud Jennifer Ayers!  Go say hello to Jennifer!  As part of my Snappin Numbers pack for composing and decomposing numbers, Jennifer suggested that I include a lego themed snack.  So here it is.  The kids chose what color they wanted their lego to be and got to mix up their own icing (white icing and food coloring).  Then they iced a graham cracker and added the lego dots using chocolate chips.  TA DA!  Lego cookies.  
Umm…muffin top alert…graham crackers and icing…DELICIOUS!  Holy goodness, Batman!
Be sure to check out my Snappin Numbers pack for a very fun, hands on and engaging way to work with composing and decomposing numbers!
Ineffective teacher?  Yeah…NO!
I wanted to share this morning message with you simply because my ELL friend voluteered an answer for each noun category!!!!!!!!!!!  YAY!  And I love their creativity!  Come on, a girl in kindergarten providing “tank” as a thing?  Perfect!
And finally, TRICK OR TREAT!  My friend Whishle handed me this on Halloween morning!  She was so excited to give me a treat.  Ain’t nothing wrong with a rock hard, half eaten brownie on Halloween.  And later when she asked if I ate it, I told her of course I did and that it was the best brownie EVER!  

My school picture outfit!  The kids thought I was “handsome” on this day!  I guess every other day I am a troll.   
You need to HURRY up and enter my give away!  Deedee Wills at Mrs. Wills Kindergarten is so kind to give me a copy of her mega writing center bundle ($32 value!) to give away!  The give away ends tomorrow so hurry up and enter!  Oh and I have two products to give away too!  
Click on ME to enter!

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