It’s the last one in our lifetime (unless you’re going to live forever…like me!).  Today was 12-12-12.  Of course, I used this as a way to have a fun day of partying learning.  Today we celebrated the number 12!

We started our day off with the number game during our morning meeting.  We counted to 12 and whoever was number 12 had to sit down!  We played until only one person was left!  Counting.  Number order.  Fun.  Giggles.  Common core standards.  Smarter not harder.

We read “The Twelve Cats of Christmas” and LAUGHED hysterically.  Of course, there were 9 pussycats playing.  So that caused some controversy.  People, get this book.  Read it.  Sing it.  Your kids will love it.

We brainstormed a list of all of the things we wanted 12 of!  Can you guess which one is mine?!?!  HMMM  Again, we laughed and giggled as we were brainstorming.  Isn’t that the best sound?  The genuine laughter of the monsters having fun and learning?!?!

And of course, we made hats!  It is a kindergarten smorgasboard requirement that hats be involved!  Our hats were made of 12 tropical holiday pictures!  Crabs, flamingos, reindeer in sunglasses and a surfing Santa!  These are the cutest!  Go check them out!  (My clip art obsesssion, Ashley Hughes, created them!  Go see them here!)

We worked on our book of 12….we will finish it tomorrow so I will post pictures then!  
We also came up with different ways to make 12.  We colored palm trees decorated with Christmas lights and used our palm trees to make 12!  
And finally, we enjoyed 12 snacks!!  And then I sent the monsters home!
What did you do for 12-12-12?
Today it was 27 degrees so my little heater was chugging along trying to keep us toasty.  Day 2 of no heat!  BRRR!
Tomorrow we celebrate the 60th birthday of our school building.  And in case you need more evidence room is one of the original.  60 year old classroom.  Someday, the earth that is behind the concrete blocks outside my classroom is going to come rushing through my room and the monsters and Mr. Greg are going to ride the wave of dirt…

And I am moving all of my files to the cloud to keep my laptop running fast.  Um, me thinks me have a problem!?  Or not!
I also just got this clip art.  What should I make with it before everyone goes on break?!  HMMMM  Yes…Christmas clip art with my favorite…MUSTACHES!

And finally, did you go to McDonald’s and get your $1.12 Big Mac?
Be sure to check out these 2 packs for a simple, fun and hands on (common core aligned!) activity for these last few manic days!!

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