A Kindergarten Smorgasboard of Shout Outs!

Happy New Year!  How many of you made it to midnight?!  How many of you feel bad today?  And how many of you are having an extremely lazy day today?!  We’re still in pajamas and have done nothing.  It’s been a very lazy day.  Even Butters, The CEO of The Kindergarten Smorgasboard has slept all day!

Today I am linking up with my bloggy BFF, Katie at Teacher To The Core and our friend Lisa at Growing Firsties (Go ask Lisa about her crush….)   for a Shout Out Linky!  You have to shout out two bloggers and their blogs.  One of the blogs has to have to more followers than you and the other has to have less followers than you!  So here goes!

My blog with more followers has a story!  4 years ago I was in a faculty meeting at school and the meeting ended with the principal telling us to line up and exit through the front of the library.  We quickly realized she was handing tiny slips of paper with our new teaching assignments for the next year.  Yeah.  That happened.  I turned to the teacher behind me and said “If it’s Kindergarten or 4th grade” I am flipping burgers at McDonald’s.  I get my slip of paper.  Guess what my new teaching position was?!  Yep.  Kindergarten.  The look on some faces said it all.  I couldn’t do it.  I would be a horrible Kindergarten teacher.  I walked to my classroom, got my stuff and went to my car where I called my mommy and CRIED.  True story.  31 year old man.  Sitting in his car in the school parking lot and crying to his mommy.  When I told my mom I was the newest Kindergarten teacher at the school her response was:  SILENCE.  So I cried more.  Yep.  No shame in my game.  Skip ahead a few days and I finally realized there was more to the decision to move than met the eye so I decided to prove that I could teach kindergarten and that I could do it amazingly well.  That first weekend after learning of my fate, I sat down at my laptop and Googled “kindergarten classrooms” and this lady popped up.

Deanna Jump is a sweet and incredibly talented and inspiring lady.  Seriously, after browsing through her site I had a ton of ideas and felt much better about teaching Kindergarten.  Mrs. Jump was my first leap into kindergarten and when I realized that I could do this and it could be fun.  So, thank you Deanna for giving me the boost I needed!  And she’s just adorable!!  Her recent blog post on fitness makes me giggle!

My next shout out is a brand new blog that I discovered today!  Her blog is super cute and she has fonts and clip art so you know I love that!  OOOOO CLIPART!  Khrys at Keepin’ It Cool In KinderLand has a lot of great ideas on her blog!  You definitely need to go by and check her out!

And introducing another kindergarten smorgasboard common core aligned creation!  This one will appeal to your boys (and probably your girls, too!)  I mean, who doesn’t love dinosaurs?!  Check out my new Dino Myte addition pack!  

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