A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Schedulin Sunday: March 10th, 2013

Happy Sunday!!  It’s a breezy Schedulin Sunday here in Music City USA!  But it’s beautiful outside.  As soon as this blog post is finished, I’m strapping on my sparkly silver helmet and hitting the streets on “LooseWheel Ball” (my red Vespa!)!  And then I’ll come home and get back to school stuff….while sitting outside!

Have you noticed that I’ve been redoing the buttons on my blog?  Well, today you get to see the new and improved Schedulin’ Sunday button!  Thoughts?!

As always, click the picture to get my lesson plans for the week!
We are kicking off St. Patrick’s Week with the story The Luckiest St. Patrick’s Day Ever!  After reading the story, we will complete a story map to help us with our reading comprehension.  We will brainstorm ways to catch a leprechaun (I have a sneaky suspicion that a leprechaun might be paying a visit to our classroom each day….hmmm).    Of course, Monday means silly hats so we’re not celebrating or focusing on the letter Y this week.  That means a YAK hat!  
In math, we will be working on measurement!  Today we will start off by placing shamrocks in order from smallest to biggest and then biggest to smallest!  Shamrocks…common core aligned…woohoo!  I might even let the monsters color their shamrocks when we’re finished!
Click the picture to get your free shamrock measuring activity from the freebies page!
And of course, there is a craftivity!  We will be making a leprechaun craftivity!  This cute little guy is from All Children Can Shine!  
St. Patty’s week continues with the story Clever Tom and The Leprechaun!  This is a great story for thinking and problem solving (and paying attention so you don’t miss out….monsters…listen.)  As we read we will create a problem/solution chart for the story.   After we read, we will create a problem/solution chart for our classroom.  
We will also not be celebrating the letter Z this week.  So that means…wait for it…TWO silly hats!  I know you’re beyond excited!    And of course, z means a zipper hat!   
We will use our brainstorming ideas from yesterday to complete a predictable chart.  “To catch a leprechaun, I will…”  (That pesky leprechaun has been in our room again!)
In math, we continue our Measuring the Irish fun.  Today we will be measuring how tall and how wide St. Patrick’s day pictures are.  The monsters will record their measurements on their sheets and we will create a class chart!

Today we will be doing two art projects!  The first one the monsters will do in small groups with me because…well,, it’s messy.  We love messy!
Here are some tips for this activity:  get the peppers with 3 sections, not 4.  Cut the pepper at the bottom (about 2 inches up).  Dip into paint and stamp.
We are also doing torn paper rainbow names!  The monsters will have their names written on construction paper and they will tear small pieces of paper to make their rainbow names!
St. Patrick’s week dances on!  Today we read There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Clover!  We will compare this to other old lady books and the monsters will create a flow map to re-tell the story.  We will use our predictable chart to help us write about catching that leprechaun…he’s sneaky and he’s getting more bold…
In math, we will be measuring Easter!  The monsters will use Easter egg rulers to measure Easter pictures!  The monsters will record their answers on their sheets and we will create a class chart!

Today’s art project fun are two more shamrock prints!  The first is using pasta noodles that are dyed green.  Here is the Kindergarten Smorgasboard method of dying pasta:  put some dry pasta in a Zip-loc bag.  Add food coloring (3-4, 8 drops…) add a tablespoon of rubbing alcohol.  Seal the bag.  SHAKE!  Shake it like you’re using the Shake Weight!  After all the pasta is coated nicely, pour onto a Styrofoam or paper plate to dry.  BAM!  Green pasta!  The other project will be another messy adventure that the monsters will be doing one on one with Mr. Greg.  We will be making hand print shamrocks!  How cute are these?!

St. Patrick’s week concludes with The Night Before St. Patrick’s Day!  (Did I fail to mention that we have a four day week!?  Friday is Kagan training and then 2 WEEKS OF SPRING BREAK!)

We will also make a silly hat!  Whoa, Mr. Greg, settle down.  Three silly hats in a week?!  I know…it’s OK! I am a trained silly hat professional.  (That hat is available in my St. Patrick’s Day creation!)
In math, we conclude our measurement fun with ordering Easter Eggs!  This will be our assessment for measuring!  
We will celebrate St. Patrick’s day with rainbow cake and punch (lime sherbret and sprite!)!  There will also be a final visit from our leprechaun!  He will track green footprints all over the room.  He will destroy the room.  He will eat and drink.  Wait for it….yes….he even uses our toilet!  (They do need a green potty break!)  He will even leave us a letter to read!  
And that will be our week of all things Irish!  We will find Ireland on a map (Hello Google Earth!), we will listen to Irish music.  We will write a leprechaun emergent reader and a leprechaun poem!  We will do our sight words, we will be identifying the sounds in words.  We will be learning and working and exploring using our journals and centers!  And we will have fun doing it!
Here are tons of freebies for you1

An homage to my city!  Teen numbers NASHVILLE style!

Our kindergarteners must take the Stanford 10 (SAT 10) test at the end of the year.  Yeah, I will keep my feelings to myself.  So, I’m going to start exposing them to the test format (BUBBLES!) each week!  Here is a set of 5 practice pages and a sheet of bubbles to practice filling in!  My friend Nicole and Lanier’s Lions shared this tip:  Tell your students not to “pop” the bubbles when coloring them in!  That means they have to color in the lines!!! 
Click over to the freebies page to get all of your freebies!
And it’s basketball time!!  Do you have March Madness?!?!  Well, I’m here to help!  My KinderLand friends have teamed up to throw a March Madness sale!  My store is 20% off until Tuesday (March 10-12)!  My St. Patrick’s day creations are 50% off!  Check it out!


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