
Good afternoon!  Today’s blog post is brought to live from the 2nd floor balcony of the new Kindergarten Smorgasboard world HQ!  This is my most favorite place in the house!  I have been looking forward to sitting out here and blogging and creating!  Well, here it is!

People, we did something today that was ROUGH!  We took the practice test for the SAT-10 test.  O.M.G.  Words cannot describe the torture.  In case you don’t know, the SAT-10 is a standardized test that we are administering to the kinders.  YES THE KINDERS.  This test is going to “assess” (term loosely used) their readiness for first grade.  Next week give the real test for 3 days.  Yep.  It was bad. They knew the material but the testing aspect of it was hard.  Hard.  Hard.  We trudged through but next week is going to be hard on the monsters.  I feel so bad for them.  But so proud of their hard work!  Stay tuned for the testing updates next week…and send happy thoughts.

Now onto happy things and fun kindergarten learning!  It’s Thursday centers.  As I was editing the pictures I realized that the monsters are on a sight word kick during centers!  I won’t complain…but remember the sight word drama earlier in this year…(sight words=bad!)…so I’m glad that the monsters are taking initiative to work with these awful terrible no good words!

This super cute center is from my friend Melissa at The Printable Princess!  This is such a great CVC word center!  And it’s cream.  Yum!

Sorting by long vowel sounds in the long vowel derby!  Click here to check out my Kentucky Derby Creation!

Tip to engage students:  let them use smelly markers!  And yes they will sniff them.  A lot.

Smelly marker subtraction!  Simple and easy center.  Piece of paper, smelly markers and subtraction cards.  (I will share the recording sheet soon….I have to find it on my computer!  hehe)

Silly sentences.  I love this center.  Students read the sentence and write the sentence.  It’s so funny to read their sentences.  (Stay tuned for a big post on this center!)

Another great center from my friend Melissa!  Who doesn’t love glittery calculators!!  Be sure to check out her Sparkling Calculations pack!

Writing CVC words!  This is a center from Mrs. Albanese’s class!  Check it out!

This is one our newest and most favorite centers!  This comes from the Moffatt Girls and is great for my higher students!  Talk about engaging…cell phones…texting…glitter!  It’s a perfect combination for sight word fun!

Magic E Words!  

More sight words and technology!  Click here for a technology based sight word creation!

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