Happy Friday!

OK, we all know the Elf On The Shelf, right?!  I’m sure many of us even use the elf in our classroom.  It’s so much fun and really does help with behavior during December when the ‘staches have lost their minds.  And it really is a hoot watching the ‘staches react to the antics of the elf.  Well….I have a confession.  The elf creeps me that crap out.  I just have visions of him roaming around my house, messing with my stuff.  And honestly…dolls in general creep me out.  When I rode “It’s A Small World” at Disney it wasn’t pretty.  And for that matter…people in costumes are a phobia.  Mascots, characters, clowns.  No.  But it never fails when a mascot makes an appearance at school, they always seek me out.  They know…just like that elf.  But I digress.

This year I wanted to do the elf in my classroom.  I have a student who is a Jehovah Witness so I wanted to respect her.  And let’s be honest, I don’t want an elf roaming my room at night.  So, with the help of my Facebook friends, I decided to use a fox.  It tied in perfectly with our What Does The Fox Say? centers (which are an epic hit in our room, btw!) and our fascination with that amazing song.

So, an idea was born.

The fox arrived the day we returned from Thanksgiving.  He arrived in a frozen box from Jack Frost at the North Pole.  It was a super exciting day in the land of mustaches.  We were beside ourselves with excitement.  After we opened the box, we read the letter and voted on a name.  
Big surprise here!  His name is Mister Mustache The Magic Fox.  And so the antics of the fox began!
The fox follows the same rules as the elf on the shelf.  No one but Mr. Greg touches him.  He reported to Jack Frost every night.  And he got into some mischief!
He got into the Christmas bows…

Monkey and Mister Mustache got into a duct tape fight with the mustache tape!  Fox lost.

Fox got my camera and took selfies.  He copied the selfie on the copier and covered our classroom with selfies.  At the end of the day each of the ‘staches got to take a selfie home!

This was my favorite!  Mr. Fox got into our glitter and sequins.  He covered our entire room and bathroom in glitter.  It was EVERYWHERE!!!  There was so much glitter that it slowly tracked it’s way all over the school building!
This was the ‘staches favorite!  We planted magic seeds (Tic Tacs!) in our magic sugar (green sprinkles) and when we returned to school, candy canes had grown.  The squeals of delight from the ‘staches when they found the candy canes were so fun!  
One day, Mr. Mustache even brought us new pencils!
And of course, he had to work on his CVC words in our What Does The Fox Say? center!!!

And on his final day, he delivered us some hot chocolate!
I can’t wait to do this again next year.  And the best part about using the fox is that if he needs to re-appear at anytime, he can!!!!
And now for the most epic Elf On The Shelf antic EVER!  My family visited this past weekend and their elves came with them.  The elves got a little happy with the wrapping paper!
Those elves wrapped the toilet, the tub and the mirror and the door.  My niece and nephew FLIPPED out Sunday morning when they woke up!  It was priceless!!

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